I’m Not Ready for This: An Interview with Anna Lind Thomas

I LOVED talking with Anna Lind Thomas. 1) She is hilarious but 2) She is a deep well of wisdom. I have not stopped talking about our conversation on Coming Alive Conversations.

She taught me a great deal about hope. About remember that God is working in the wait. And how even when we do not feel ready– God is up to something BIG.

I highly encourage you to grab a copy of her new book I’m Not Ready for This: Everybody Just Calm Down and Give me a Minute.

When we are moving in God’s vision for our lives we get bread crumbs and we can mistake them for being “the thing.” God cares way more about our character and relationship with Him than the “thing.”

Anna Lind Thomas

Stories from the Field with Lexi Meyers My Yes Is on the Table

Thank you for listening to My Yes Is On The Table, a podcast hosted by Jennifer Hand and Coming Alive Ministries.  Jenn has been working on a book to help people who have experienced trauma and courses to help people who have been through trauma.  She is working on taking those courses to other countries to minister to those who have been in war, poverty, and traumatic situations.  Today she welcomes one of her students who has traveled with her to these needy areas. Connect with Jenn: Instagram, Facebook, Website DONATE to Coming Alive Ministries  
  1. Stories from the Field with Lexi Meyers
  2. Holy Care For The Whole Self with Laura L. Smith
  3. You Gotta Get Up with Real Talk Kim
  4. This Homeward Ache with Amy Lee
  5. Rediscovering Israel with Kristi McLelland
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