Showing all 12 results

  • Stress- Less Summer Daily Devotionals (July 1-31st) with Bonus PDF Stress-Less Summer Guide

    Suggested Donation $9.00

    Discover Your Stress-Less Summer with Jennifer Hand

    Are you ready to experience a summer filled with less stress and more coming alive in your life and faith?

    Hello friends,

    I’m Jennifer Hand, and I am thrilled to introduce you to our Stress-Less Summer Experience. Maybe you feel like you barely survived June and all the end-of-the-school-year things.  I am excited to come alive with you as we dive into Ephesians together, along with some tips to help reduce your stress response.

    What’s included in the Stress-Less Summer Experience?

    31 Days of E-mailed Devotionals from the Book of Ephesians

    Each day, you’ll receive an email straight to your inbox with a devotional crafted to inspire and encourage you. We’ll journey together through the book of Ephesians. These devotionals are designed to be short but impactful, giving you a moment to meet with Jesus (and hopefully a cup of coffee) each day.

    Stress-Less Summer PDF Guide

    This beautifully designed guide contains practical tips, scripture, and reflections to help you manage stress and come alive this summer!

    Zoom Stress-Less Summer Kick-Off Party

    Join me and a community of like-minded individuals for an uplifting and interactive Zoom party for our Stress-Less Summer. I will teach from Ephesians and give some stress reduction tips for your summer.

    Why Join the Stress-Less Summer Experience?

    • Daily Inspiration: Start each day with a focused time of devotion, setting a peaceful and reflective tone for your day.
    • Practical Guidance: Our PDF guide is filled with actionable tips and heartfelt advice to help you navigate stress.
    • Community Support: Connect with others on the same journey, sharing experiences and building a supportive network.
    • Spiritual Growth: Deepen your understanding of the book of Ephesians and discover new ways to apply its teachings to your life.

    This summer, let’s embrace the peace that God offers us. Together, we’ll uncover the richness of His word, find practical ways to manage stress, and support each other in a community of faith and love.

    Join Us Today!

    Don’t let stress steal your joy this summer. Sign up now for the Stress-Less Summer Experience and take the first step towards a season of peace and renewal.

    This course is for a donation to Coming Alive Ministries, helping me provide ministry around the world this summer.  So you pick your donation price :)

    With love and blessings,

    Jennifer Hand

  • Stress Response Course

    Suggested Donation $19.00

    Stress Response Course:

    Dear Friend,

    If we’ve never met, can I still call you a friend and pour you a pretend cup of coffee for this conversation? (If you don’t like coffee, we can still be friends, but I am sad for you!)

    Stress—maybe you feel some? Who knew talking about stress, trauma, and triggers could be fun? Imagine laughing as we chat about our typical responses and how they may change based on who or what the stress is coming from!

    In this journey, we’ll explore four typical responses: Fight, flight, freeze, or fawn.

    In this course you will:

    • Understanding Your Stress Responses: Gain insight into your unique stress reactions and learn to recognize when they are triggered.
    • Embracing Constructive Responses: Discover how to channel your stress responses into constructive actions that serve you well in various situations.
    • Breaking Free from Unhelpful Patterns: Learn strategies to break free from stuck patterns of fight, flight, freeze, or fawn, allowing you to respond more effectively to stress triggers.
    • Enhancing Emotional Regulation: Develop techniques to regulate your emotions and prevent prolonged periods of heightened stress.
    • Improving Conflict Resolution Skills: Acquire skills for healthy conflict resolution, enabling you to navigate challenging situations with greater ease and confidence.
    • Setting Boundaries for Self-Care: Learn the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care, empowering you to establish healthier relationships and protect your well-being.
    • Harnessing Mindfulness Practices: Explore mindfulness practices to increase self-awareness, promote relaxation, and cultivate resilience in the face of stress.
    • Building a Support System: Discover the value of building a support system and seeking professional guidance when needed to aid in your journey towards stress resilience.
    • Engaging in Reflective Journaling: Utilize reflective journaling exercises to deepen your understanding of your stress responses, track your progress, and explore areas for growth.
    • Fostering Personal Growth: Embrace opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery as you embark on a journey towards greater emotional well-being and resilience.
  • Flight Stress Response Style

    Suggested Donation $9.00

    Are you the first to flee when stress comes knocking? Do you find solace in escaping from overwhelming situations, whether it’s a tense meeting or a heated argument?

    Welcome to Flight Mode: a PDF designed to help you harness the power of your flight response and transform it into a tool.

    Embrace Your Escape Instinct  Instead of feeling trapped by stress or conflict, learn to recognize your body’s flight response and navigate it with intention and purpose.

    Transform Your Reaction Patterns No more feeling powerless or overwhelmed. With expert guidance and practical techniques, discover how to soothe your nervous system, regain control of your emotions, and find peace amidst chaos.

    Empower Your Journey Flight Mode isn’t about running away—it’s about reclaiming your agency. Through mindfulness practices, self-reflection, and supportive community, empower yourself to break free from old patterns and embrace a life of balance and resilience.

    What You’ll Discover:

    • Understand the biology of the flight response
    • Identify triggers and early warning signs
    • Cultivate mindfulness and relaxation techniques
    • Develop healthy coping mechanisms
    • Overcome feelings of guilt and shame
    • Build resilience and self-compassion

    Take Flight Today Don’t let stress dictate your life. Join Flight Mode and unlock the tools you need to soar above adversity. Enroll now and embrace the freedom of flight!

  • Fawn Stress Response Style PDF

    Suggested Donation $9.00

    Embrace Your Fawn Response: Discovering Boundaries and Self-Care

    Have you ever found yourself bending over backward to please others, even at the expense of your own well-being? Do you prioritize harmony and avoid conflict at all costs?

    Enter Fawn: an eye-opening journey designed to help you recognize and navigate the fawn stress response with grace and empowerment.

    Embrace Your Inner Pleaser If you’re the type to go above and beyond to keep the peace, you may be familiar with the fawn response. Like a baby deer seeking safety in the herd, you prioritize others’ needs over your own, often to your detriment.

    Navigate Your Stress Triggers From demanding toddlers to overwhelming workloads, stress triggers abound in everyday life. But how do you cope? Learn to identify when you slip into fawn mode and discover healthier ways to respond to stress and conflict.

    Empower Your Boundaries Fawning isn’t just about pleasing others—it’s about finding the courage to prioritize your own well-being. Through mindfulness practices, self-reflection, and supportive community, empower yourself to set boundaries, practice self-care, and reclaim your authenticity.

    What You’ll Discover:

    • Understand the biology of the fawn response
    • Identify triggers and patterns of people-pleasing
    • Cultivate self-awareness and emotional regulation
    • Establish healthy boundaries in relationships
    • Overcome feelings of shame and codependency
    • Build resilience and reclaim your sense of agency
  • Fight Stress Response PDF

    Suggested Donation $9.00

    Is your stress response style to be a fighter?

    Empower Yourself Fighter isn’t just about surviving—it’s about thriving. Through mindfulness practices, breathing exercises, and cognitive strategies, empower yourself to navigate conflicts with confidence, grace, and inner peace.

    What You’ll Learn:

    • Understand the physiology of the fight response
    • Identify triggers and early warning signs
    • Cultivate emotional regulation techniques
    • Establish healthy boundaries in relationships
    • Overcome past trauma and stressors
    • Build resilience and self-awareness

    This is a downloadable PDF and quick video encouragement on how you can use your fight response to serve you.

  • Freeze Stress Response Style

    Suggested Donation $9.00

    Embrace Your Frozen Stress Response: Thawing Towards Healing

    Are you the type to freeze when life throws you a curveball? Do you find yourself stuck in immobilization, unable to move forward or confront difficult emotions?

    Enter Frozen: a transformative journey designed to help you thaw out from the icy grip of the freeze response and rediscover the warmth of emotional vitality.

    Embrace Your Chill Just like Elsa in the beloved movie Frozen, sometimes freezing can be a protective instinct. It gives you a moment to assess the situation and collect yourself. But when the freeze becomes a permanent state, it’s time to thaw out and embrace life’s challenges with courage and resilience.

    Thaw Your Emotional Stagnation No more feeling trapped in a state of numbness. With expert guidance and practical techniques, learn to reconnect with your body, express your emotions, and break free from the icy chains of fear and avoidance.

    Empower Your Journey Frozen isn’t about staying stuck—it’s about finding the courage to melt away barriers and embrace your full potential. Through mindfulness practices, self-compassion, and supportive community, empower yourself to thaw towards healing and growth.

    What You’ll Discover:

    • Understand the biology of the freeze response
    • Identify triggers and patterns of emotional avoidance
    • Cultivate mindfulness and grounding techniques
    • Reconnect with your body and emotions
    • Overcome feelings of helplessness and shame
    • Build resilience and reclaim your sense of agency

    Take the First Step Don’t let fear freeze you in place. Join Frozen and unlock the tools you need to thaw towards a life of vitality and purpose. Enroll now and begin your journey towards healing and growth!

    Space to Reflect: Take time to journal through past experiences when the freeze response took hold. How did it serve you in that moment? In what ways did it keep you stuck? Use this space to explore and thaw towards a life of emotional freedom and fulfillment.

  • After Trauma Hope Guide

    Suggested Donation $37.00

    Have you ever felt unsafe physically?  Emotionally?  Relationally? Spiritually?

    Did you know your brain processes feeling unsafe as trauma?

    After trauma, are you struggling to find hope and peace?

    Do you find yourself asking the question will I ever feel normal again?

    I invite you to join me in finding baby steps of hope using this trauma guide.

    I am a trauma-trained counselor, have traveled the world to offer trauma debriefing after natural disasters and war, and have experienced trauma myself.

    I have stood with people as they lost everything after the earth shook from an earthquake, reducing their lives to rubble.

    You may not have been in an actual earthquake, but your circumstances caused your heart and life to shake.

    I want to stand beside you and give you hope to unbury the rubble and find a new normal to rebuild.

    After trauma hope.

    Included in this trauma guide is:

    • 4 video sessions taught by me.  (They are short because I recognize if you have experienced trauma you are probably tired).  We will dive into what trauma is, what it does, and tips and tricks to begin baby steps to healing your brain and body.
    • audio podcast interviews with practicing therapists providing steps to healing
    • a beautiful PDF guide to complete the course


  • Jenn Hand: My Yes Is On the Table Now What Workbook

    My Yes Is On the Table: Now What? Workbook

    Suggested Donation $7.99

    Do you find yourself struggling with fear and anxiety?

    Do you want to say yes to God? To His promises? To His healing? To follow His calling for His glory to live out in your story but find yourself afraid?

    This full-color downloadable workbook will provide you with five sections of journaling space, a 31-day scripture reading plan, and coaching questions to help you find the fear stops and help you turn those fear stops into faith steps as you say yes to God!

    You can do this alone or with a group.

    Features five workbook sections to guide you to the next steps of living with your yes on the table:

    1. Recognize your fears
    2. Release your fears—guiding you on how to release those fear stops
    3. Remember—taking time to remember what God has done in the past to prepare you for the present and give future peace
    4. Risk— Take those next yes steps
    5. Rejoice—remembering to celebrate what God has done
  • Jenn Hand: My Yes Is On the Table Now What Workbook and Mini Course

    My Yes Is On the Table: Now What? Workbook and Mini Course

    Suggested Donation $12.99

    Do you find yourself struggling with fear and anxiety?

    Do you want to say yes to God? To His promises? To His healing? To follow His calling for His glory to live out in your story but find yourself afraid?

    This full-color downloadable workbook will provide you with five sections of journaling space, a 31-day scripture reading plan, and coaching questions to help you find the fear stops and help you turn those fear stops into faith steps as you say yes to God!

    You will also receive five weekly devotionals via email, with accompanying 10-minute video teachings from Jenn Hand (I promise they follow Jenn’s teaching style where you will laugh and experience the power of God’s Word in your life!).

    You can do this alone or with a group.

    Features five workbook sections to guide you to the next steps of living with your yes on the table:

    1. Recognize your fears
    2. Release your fears—guiding you on how to release those fear stops
    3. Remember—taking time to remember what God has done in the past to prepare you for the present and give future peace
    4. Risk— Take those next yes steps
    5. Rejoice—remembering to celebrate what God has done

    Includes five weekly 10-minute teaching videos you can watch anytime (except while driving, maybe!) plus weekly devotional email encouragement.

  • Trauma-less Holiday Guide

    Suggested Donation $19.00

    Welcome to a fun journey (because I like to make things fun!) with the journaling guide a Trauma-Less Holiday.

    I designed this for you if you are trying to navigate the holidays with peace and joy even as you struggle to deal with great Aunt Betty and her every-year jello mold, your overwhelm at the Christmas sweater party, and your desire to sit and watch Hallmark all day long.

    🌟 MERRY Living Framework: Our guide follows the MERRY acrostic – Manage expectations, Embrace emotions, Recognize triggers, Relaxation techniques, and Yes/No boundaries. Each section provides practical strategies to help you put the Merry back in Christmas.

    🤔 Realistic Expectations: Discover how to set and manage realistic expectations during the holiday rush. This section helps you find joy in the small moments, reducing the pressure often associated with the season.

    😌 Emotional Wellness Insights: Explore the spectrum of emotions the holidays can stir. Embrace the understanding that it’s okay not to be okay and learn how to navigate your emotions.

    🔍 Trigger Recognition and Response: Identify and address potential triggers from past trauma or present anxiety.

    🧘 Relaxation Techniques: Unwind with practical relaxation methods, from deep breathing exercises to developing a holiday self-care and soul care plan.

    🚦 Personalized Yes/No Boundaries: Craft your holiday boundaries with confidence. Determine what you’ll say ‘yes’ to for self-care and where to draw the line to avoid unnecessary stressors.

    👩‍🏫 Expert Guidance: Benefit from the insights of seasoned professionals in trauma-informed care, ensuring that you receive the latest evidence-based practices for healing through the holidays.

    This guide is not just a purchase; it’s an investment in your well-being. Join us in creating a holiday season filled with MERRY moments – where you manage expectations, embrace emotions, recognize triggers, relax, and set empowering boundaries.

    Let’s have the best holidays ever– I’ll bring the sausage balls.

    Enroll now and make your Christmas truly MERRY!

    🎁 Bonus: 4 Accompanying short videos taught by me PLUS 4 all-level yoga sessions taught by me as well, and a PDF downloadable 25-day advent devotional My Christmas yes!

    Note: This is a digital product available for immediate download upon purchase.

  • A Trauma-Less Holiday Bundle (SALE!!)

    Suggested Donation $56.00

    Welcome to a fun journey (because I like to make things fun!) with the journaling guide a Trauma-Less Holiday.

    I designed this for you if you are trying to navigate the holidays with peace and joy even as you struggle to deal with great Aunt Betty and her every-year jello mold, your overwhelm at the Christmas sweater party, and your desire to sit and watch Hallmark all day long.

    🌟 MERRY Living Framework: Our guide follows the MERRY acrostic – Manage expectations, Embrace emotions, Recognize triggers, Relaxation techniques, and Yes/No boundaries. Each section provides practical strategies to help you put the Merry back in Christmas.

    🤔 Realistic Expectations: Discover how to set and manage realistic expectations during the holiday rush. This section helps you find joy in the small moments, reducing the pressure often associated with the season.

    😌 Emotional Wellness Insights: Explore the spectrum of emotions the holidays can stir. Embrace the understanding that it’s okay not to be okay and learn how to navigate your emotions.

    🔍 Trigger Recognition and Response: Identify and address potential triggers from past trauma or present anxiety.

    🧘 Relaxation Techniques: Unwind with practical relaxation methods, from deep breathing exercises to developing a holiday self-care and soul care plan.

    🚦 Personalized Yes/No Boundaries: Craft your holiday boundaries with confidence. Determine what you’ll say ‘yes’ to for self-care and where to draw the line to avoid unnecessary stressors.

    👩‍🏫 Expert Guidance: Benefit from the insights of seasoned professionals in trauma-informed care, ensuring that you receive the latest evidence-based practices for healing through the holidays.

    This guide is not just a purchase; it’s an investment in your well-being. Join us in creating a holiday season filled with MERRY moments – where you manage expectations, embrace emotions, recognize triggers, relax, and set empowering boundaries.

    Let’s have the best holidays ever– I’ll bring the sausage balls.

    Enroll now and make your Christmas truly MERRY!

    🎁 Bonus: 4 Accompanying short videos taught by me PLUS 4 all-level yoga sessions taught by me as well, and a PDF downloadable 25-day advent devotional My Christmas yes!

    Note: This is a digital product available for immediate download upon purchase.



    Have you ever felt unsafe physically?  Emotionally?  Relationally? Spiritually?

    Did you know your brain processes feeling unsafe as trauma?

    After trauma, are you struggling to find hope and peace?

    Do you find yourself asking the question will I ever feel normal again?

    I invite you to join me in finding baby steps of hope using this trauma guide.

    I am a trauma-trained counselor, have traveled the world to offer trauma debriefing after natural disasters and war, and have experienced trauma myself.

    I have stood with people as they lost everything after the earth shook from an earthquake, reducing their lives to rubble.

    You may not have been in an actual earthquake, but your circumstances caused your heart and life to shake.

    I want to stand beside you and give you hope to unbury the rubble and find a new normal to rebuild.

    After trauma hope.

    Included in this trauma guide is:

    • 4 video sessions taught by me.  (They are short because I recognize if you have experienced trauma you are probably tired).  We will dive into what trauma is, what it does, and tips and tricks to begin baby steps to healing your brain and body.
    • audio podcast interviews with practicing therapists providing steps to healing
    • a beautiful PDF guide to complete the course


  • My Yes is on the Table Book


    Isn’t it time you said yes to God?

    What’s holding you back? The risk? The unknown? The unwillingness to shake up the comfortable status quo? Whatever it is, if you’re not in God’s best place, you’re missing out on something great. The Lord is calling you into a Promised Land. But it’s going to take some faith steps to get there.

    Jenn Hand wants you to be able to say to God, “My yes is on the table.” Not halfheartedly. Not half the time. Not halfway there. Jenn wants you to go all in with God—because God is all in for you.

    My Yes Is on the Table takes you into the story of the Israelites as they journeyed out of the wilderness and into the Holy Land that God had granted them. Each chapter will challenge you to move from a fear stop to a faith step. And once you’ve started taking those steps with God, there’s no telling where you’ll end up.

    For too long, you’ve been paralyzed by fear of the future. You feel God calling. You want to go forward with His plans. Yet fear has stopped you from taking the leap. No more! Instead of letting fear stop you short, let faith call you forward with newfound confidence and holy boldness. Put your “yes” on the table, and watch God do more in your life than you could have ever imagined.

    Grab your autographed copy today! Price includes shipping