The power of God’s love: An Interview with Wendy Blight

I was so excited to welcome Wendy Blight back to Coming Alive Conversations– especially now that I have a sound producer and know a bit more about what I am doing.

Wendy was brave enough to come back on the first season of Coming Alive Conversations.

She and I have a wonderful time digging into the book of 1 John and talking about her study 1 John: Walking in the Fullness of God’s love. 

When we walk in the fullness of God’s love it really does change everything.

When we walk in His light it reminds us that He dispels all that feels like darkness.

Wendy is a very gifted Bible teacher and she will bring great encouragement to your heart as we talk about how we live out walking in the fullness of God’s love practically.

I don’t want to give too much away so I am going to end here and let you lean in and listen and be encouraged.

Click here to listen via e-mail.  

Show Notes:

Wendy’s new book, 1 John:  Walking in the Fullness of God’s Love


Nothing Can Separate Us From God’s Love, Romans 8:31-39

1 John 4:4

1 John 4:16

Max Lucado’s new devotional book, You Can Count on God





Proverbs 31 Ministries


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