baby is coming

oh goodness.. i fear that i could just blab on and on about everything in these blogs. About how much fun I am having in america. About how good our God is… the details of what it is like to see america through completely new eyes. How good our God is.. how much I love…


Hello to my faithful praying blogging family. I feel like the most LOVED blessed and filled to the brim girl in the world. I am so sorry for the short post yesterday.. I just had far to much enjoying of my family to do to write a long one.. I have to say I truly…

i’m home!!!

Hey guys.. guess what..I have a HUGE suprise for most of you.. i am typing this blog from AMERICA.. where I showed up and gave the biggest suprise of a lifetime to my family and showed up at church for sunday service.. no one knew I was coming home.. including my FAMILY. I would not…

goats and grabbits :-)

This morning at 6:40 I turned my computer on to see what time it was , and I heard the most beautiful sound to wake up to. It was my sister calling me on skype. Her and my bro-in law todd were at my mom and daddy’s house. The whole fam gathered around the computer…