Your Beautiful just as you are

Good Wednesday morning friends.. Snuggled up under my blanket and ready to pour a cup of coffee with you and link up with my sweet friend Holley Gerth for some Coffee from the Heart. Click here to visit her site and read some more wonderful encouragement on today’s prompt.. you are beautiful just as you are.Today I…

Go North

I love this verse.  God tells the:  Guess what, it’s time.  You’ve been circling long enough… Go North. Heard an excellent sermon yesterday on this by Mike Chapman at City Church.   Loved that the sermon started out with this verse. Do you ever feel like you are circling around the same place, position, circumstance…

You are loved

 I wrote this for my precious Bible study ladies in March 2012 and I wanted to recopy it and send it to you today as a part of the Be sure to check out my friend’s blog Holley Gerth (click on her name ) for some awesome encouragement today Dear (insert your name here) My precious one–…