Are you worried?

#live free Thursday– worry Connecting with my friend for #lifefreeThursday at  Suzie’s  place.. today’s prompt:  worry. So I felt prompted by Suzie’s photo to do what she said– be a prayer warrior.  So I prayed for you and your worries (and mine)Check it out.. and know that I am asking…

Nothing can separate…

Ps:  can you start a blog post with a Ps:?  I am not even sure but I like to make up my own rules.. so here you go. Starting off with a PS.  The above quote is from Angie Smith, whose awesome new Bible study is coming out in April called Seamless.  You are going…

The Three P’s……. (your people, passions, and places) and the notion that you don’t have to be perfect……  

That black and white beauty  I am calling my life map.   You see this weekend was my first weekend off in a while.  It’s the thick of busy season when you are a retreat speaker (who knew before  I followed this calling there was a season to grab some girlfriends and get away with…