… Everlasting Father… #comingaliveatChristmas#day16
The past few days we have been studying Isaiah 9 and the characteristics in the name of our Savior. Today’s promise is that He is everlasting Father. I come to this subject so tenderly because I know many are not blessed with good earthly Fathers. That breaks my heart. But as I come tenderly…
.. Mighty God.. #comingaliveatChristmas#day15
I love this part of the Christmas story. Going through the names that represented the Savior that was to come– the names prophecied in Isaiah chapter nine. Ps: As I am typing this I am in a coffee shop and I am listening to Pentatonix Christmas and well I just realised I was trying…
.. need some wisdom… #comingaliveatChristmas#day14
I remember when I was doing my clinical internship as a counselor. I was getting ready to see my first client and I was terrified. I had my office all set up. Had the cutest pillows on the couch, soft music playing, and lots of prayers in my hearts. I realised that day that…