sneezing cat
Hey guys– wow. I am so impressed by how many people made comments that it quite encouraged me to want to post again and again and again. Thanks a bunchSO things here are awesome. I still have to pinch myself to really believe that i am here…! I’ve been busy just trying to set up…
glory–i’m here
Just a quick post before I get my jammies on and go to bed (and not on an airplane or in an airport.. glory– how exciting is that).. anyways– it’s about 10:00 here and i feel like i have been up for days (i think i have) so I am going to bed. But I’m…
quick update for those who are keeping up
Just a quick update for those ones of you that are keeping up (i’m going for the blog posting record huh!) there was finally someone at the thai airway counter here in good ol’ LA adn they said for me to come back at 10:30 to possibly see if I can get on, but it’s…