Just some photos for you

Me in my cute apron that Leanne sent me! love it! Singing by candlelight.. it just happens around here.. power is a thing of my past life! I look like a cheese wad.. my beautiful friend jessica.. I was trying to look as cool as her in our self portrait tries.. she also looks beautiful…

elephant crossing

So I just saw an elephant crossing the road in the middle of a busy road in town. Keep in mind folks, although it may seem like it because of all the crazy things that are often in our road– we do not live in a junge. I live in a city.. a very polluted…

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Late Valentines Day to all of my good friends out there. I was going to post some pictures, but my computer is broken right now (the chord stopped working to charge it) so I have to get a new part.. until then I am using Leah’s computer while she is out of town!So I…