Youth retreat

These are my fun new glasses which God provided for me. My close friend here ash’s dad is an eye doc. I have loved her glasses since she got here. Remember how a year ago my glasses accidently got melted ( I mean really who else does that happen to but me) Since then I…

wak wak and more

sorry for the delayed posting.. such a shortage of power these days– about 20 hours a day now.. and well.. not seeming to be home in the time when there is power. It’s one in the morning right now, I stayed up just so I could type a little update for you guys, my faithful…

spring has sprung!

Don’t these flowers just make you smile. I love them. I love how cheap flowers are here! Nothing like a beautiful spring bouquet of flowers! Howdy folks. Spring has sprung here and i just have to praise God for it. It’s getting warm outside.. glory– which means that you are starting to begin to not…

Just some photos for you

Me in my cute apron that Leanne sent me! love it! Singing by candlelight.. it just happens around here.. power is a thing of my past life! I look like a cheese wad.. my beautiful friend jessica.. I was trying to look as cool as her in our self portrait tries.. she also looks beautiful…