Happy Good Friday

Happy Happy Good Friday. I am so sorry that I have been hirayo (gone in nepalee). Ke bayo (what happened). Well we had a power surge and my computer chord literally caught on fire and exploded before my very eyes. So I have had no computer to use. PRAISE the LORD it did not break…

Happy Birthday Mommy

Me and my momma. Isn’t she the most beautiful woman in the world. I hope I look as young and beautiful as her someday! My mom with my Aunt Laura and my sister ( don’t worry guys, my sis is not pregnant again, this is back at a baby shower for her pre-Alex.. he’s in…

a Glorious B-day party

Half the people at my fun party.. more came later.. i felt so loved My friends Chrissy and KT with the min coffee cup cakes my awesome coffee mug cake! 1 Corinthians 8:3 says that we are KNOWN by God. I think that is the best promise from God. He knows all about us. He…