I love it that….

THis is a video for your viewing pleasure of me driving the purple pleasure. I love it that God gave me the courage to learn to drive and that He has kept me safe. Thought you might enjoy this. Just push play 🙂 I love that… —- Yesterday we had an awesome womens conference at…

2 weeks left

Me (not so good a picture.. oh well) enjoying my yummy apple pie with bluberry flambeh (again don’t know how to spell) note the big smile. So funny, I asked the flambet making guy what was in the flambet.. he said blueberries and brandy– (heated brandy of course.. the liquor was gone) I smiled big…

Things I have learned

Hello friends. I have been thinking lately about things that I have learned since living in Nepal.. some crazy funny ones.. some life changing spiritual ones.. so I thought I would share a few with you. I am sure that there will be more posts like this to come1) I learned how to navigate my…