The boys and a turle

Sorry to all my blogging friends.. sorry I have not written in a while. I have been walking through a pretty intense season lately and have not been able to bring myself to blog. But tonight, on Friday night I’ve been in my pj’s since 6:30. I have drank some pretty amazing coconut iced coffee…

words fail.. but God doesn’t

These are just arial views of the destruction from apison/ringgold Cherokee valley road, Bill jones, London Lane, and Alabama Highway. These roads are all within five minutes of my sisters house. The road that is still unpassable where five people died 100 yards away the tornado destroyed. words fail. Today I went out with some…

words fail.. but God doesn’t

These are just arial views of the destruction from apison/ringgold Cherokee valley road, Bill jones, London Lane, and Alabama Highway. These roads are all within five minutes of my sisters house. The road that is still unpassable where five people died 100 yards away the tornado destroyed. words fail. Today I went out with some…

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Happy Valentines Day friends-I know Valentines day is a commercialized love holiday. I know for some it is something they really look forward to. For others it is a painful day to remind them of their seeming aloneness. I have never really been a valentines day dreader. For one thing I have an amazing…