Love and letting go

This blog has been silent for the past few weeks.  It’s weird because it is partly because some really exciting things went on.. like…. All these precious ladies coming for our Bloom conference put on by coming alive ministries.  It truly was an AWESOME experience.  To believe God’s big dreams and to be apart of…

Apples to Apples

I love games.  I love parties where people come together and laugh and enjoy each other.  I love parties especially that involve friends, pizza and games.  Therefore I was a happy girl last night to enjoy a game night at my dear friend TJ’s house.  Insert interjection:  If you want a blessing.. please please go…

Apples to Apples

I love games.  I love parties where people come together and laugh and enjoy each other.  I love parties especially that involve friends, pizza and games.  Therefore I was a happy girl last night to enjoy a game night at my dear friend TJ’s house.  Insert interjection:  If you want a blessing.. please please go…


Hi Friends.. Hope you had an incredible Monday and an awesome weekend?  What made you come alive this past weekend? Today?  Here were two of my things this weekend:  Sunday my precious nephew Alex turned four. I am sooo in love with Him. This was his birthday requested breakfast. Icecream and a banana.  Hahahah.. we…