Ditch digging and RAIN!!!

 little slice of heaven.. going to Hillsong Live this weekend and worshipping Jesus with an auditorium packed full of people but in particular getting to experience it with these AWESOME people.. some new friends, some old friends.. love love the beautiful body of Christ and worshipping together… We had the AWESOME opportunity to go to…

Dont throw away….

Did you by chance happen to have to wear these torture devices?  Now don’t get me wrong.. I am soo grateful for the investment my parents made in my teeth!  glory!  I can guarantee you that the reason I have been single for so long is not because my teeth are bucked out.. hahhaa.. 🙂 …

Dont throw away….

Did you by chance happen to have to wear these torture devices?  Now don’t get me wrong.. I am soo grateful for the investment my parents made in my teeth!  glory!  I can guarantee you that the reason I have been single for so long is not because my teeth are bucked out.. hahhaa.. 🙂 …

Love and letting go

This blog has been silent for the past few weeks.  It’s weird because it is partly because some really exciting things went on.. like…. All these precious ladies coming for our Bloom conference put on by coming alive ministries.  It truly was an AWESOME experience.  To believe God’s big dreams and to be apart of…