… impossible made possible…
Nothing is impossible with God. That is how Mary responds when an angel has just informed her that she is going to be pregnent with the son of God and she was a virgin.
Whew. That’s a lot to take in folks. Can you imagine those moments?
The Christmas story is full of reminders for us that God is a God of the impossible.
The word made flesh. The creator coming to dwell among the created. A baby born who is Christ the Lord.
I am drinking from a beautiful new coffee cup right now that has the words from a familiar song.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.
Amazing grace is the impossible made possible. It is the gift of God covering our sins with the wrapping paper of His glory.
We can come alive at Christmas wrapping our hearts, lives, minds and spirits in the gift of impossible grace
Grace that covers us, cleanses us, and connects us in relationship to God.
Let’s celebrate impossible grace today. Think about how God has gifted you with forgiveness. And as you celebrate impossible grace, come alive today knowing that the Christmas story reminds us that with God the impossible is made possible.
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What impossible have you seen God make possible in your life?