Finding Rest

Do you find yourself feeling tired and taking a deep desperate breath just reading the word rest?

We all need rest in some area of our life.  It may look different for each of us, but we were created to experience and need rest.

God himself, did in fact rest after creating the world.

If God needed rest and Jesus needed rest then we for sure need to experience rest.

I would love for you to meet my friend Dr. Saundra Dalton Smith.  She has written an incredible book :  Sacred Rest:  Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy Restore Your Sanity

Saundra tells me in our interview on Coming Alive conversations that she came to write this book when she realized herself that she was in a state of burnout.

Tired all the time.

Wondering if this feeling of constant exhaustion was success.

She had a facedown moment, stopping for the first time.  At that moment she experienced peace and asked herself, “is this what rest feels like?”

In the book we discover there are 7 different types of rest we need.

Physical rest

Mental rest

Spiritual rest

Emotional rest

Social rest

Sensory rest

and Creative Rest

I think we often go straight to the physical rest when we think about rest.

If I could just get more sleep?

But what if it is a different type of rest our soul needs.

I would encourage you to take this quiz to find out what type of rest you may be needing and then listen to our conversation on Coming Alive Conversations and let’s find rest together.


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Show Notes:

Connect with Dr. Dalton Smith:

Website ~

Take the Rest Quiz

Dr. Dalton- Smith’s book Sacred Rest

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