On Passions, Purpose, Calling and Identity: An Interview with Sheri Rigby

I must admit, this was my first interview with a movie star.  So I may or may not have confessed to her that I put on lipstick since we were doing our video by Zoom interview.

Shari Rigby was the NICEST and I loved reading her newest book and loved, even more, getting to interview her.

Have you ever struggled with knowing what your purpose is?  Sheri shares how she struggled to find her purpose during seasons of life change.  That makes so much sense.

Shari takes a deep dive into the differences between our purpose,  callings, and identity.

It’s an adventure.

Following the passions and giftings that  God has given can be the adventure of a lifetime.

I believe part of the adventure is not just in the following those passions and giftings, but in finding them.

Shari shares her journey into Hollywood and how God took her through the preparation time.  The waiting time.  The perfect time.

Whew– I don’t know about you but I need that reminder.

Preparation time is just as important as activating time.

In the waiting God is working.

And He is always doing more than we could imagine.

I cannot wait for you to lean in and hear this interview and be encouraged by Shari’s story.  One of my favorite things she said was if God could give Abraham and Sarah children in their 100’s I figured God could call me to go and be an actress when I was 39.

What adventure is God calling you on?

Click here to listen if you are reading this via e-mail 

Show Notes:

Mentioned in this episode:


Hillsong: New Wine

Ephesians 3:20

Overcomer Movie


Connect with Shari:

Website & Book



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