From Fear stops to Faith steps (and an invitation)

I enjoyed trying a new thing this week while staying at my friend’s lake .


Let’s be honest.  I am clumsy and I thought I would be more IN the lake than on the paddleboard.

The first time I got on my knees knocking.

I mean for real I could almost hear them talking to me.

And the board wobbled.

and wobbled.

Then I fixed my gaze and tried to remember to focus on using my core and that I could in fact swim if I did in fact end up in the water.

And off I went.

I got to thinking that there are several scenarios in the Bible that involve water and fear.

The Israelites having to cross the Red Sea with the Egyptian Army on their tails.

Then the Jordan River when it came time again to come into the promised land.

Several scenes in the gospels of storms, boats, the disciples, and Jesus calming the storm.

( I went on one cruise and was seasick the whole time and really wanted Jesus to calm my storm)

I think of Peter walking on the water when Jesus told Him to, “Come”.

He started to sink when he saw those waves.

I felt the same way on the paddleboard when the jetski came sailing nearby.

Throughout these stories, the seas are parted and stilled by the God who created the heavens and the earth.

Today can I whisper a reminder to you, my friend.

Take courage.

He is with you.

When we refocus our gaze and remind ourselves of the core truth that He is with us, He is for us, and He is GOOD at His core, it brings balance to mine.

And I can stay steady no matter what social media says these days.

I am praying for you my friend in whatever storm you may see, or thing you may want to try, or the moment when you feel like you are sinking.

Can I tell you about a really exciting adventure that I would love you to go on with me?

I am taking some friends on a 31-day journey through the book of Joshua as we place our yes on the table before God and ask Him to take us from fear stops to faith steps.

The adventure launches July 20th and will include a 31 day colorful PDF downloadable devotional, a private Facebook community led by me, 4 video teachings to watch at your leisure, and a weekly zoom call option for those 4 weeks.

It’s going to be so fun.

So I am pouring you a cup of virtual coffee (or if you don’t drink coffee whatever you prefer) and inviting you to join the journey.

Click here for more info.

Ps: If you join before July 2nd using code YES you can get 15 percent off the cost!

Contact me if you have any questions at [email protected]

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