Do you struggle with comparison? An interview with Shannon Popkin

Meet my friend Shannon Popkin.

I love that straight out of the gate in our interview on Coming Alive conversations she tells me the most hilarious random fact about herself.

I am going to leave the dangling there to entice you to come to listen to the interview 🙂

I wonder if you ever struggle with comparison?

(If you do not please please let us all know how you have accomplished this!  I will interview you here)

It’s funny because when Shannon and I first met at a conference for writers and speakers, she was comparing herself to me.  I was fresh off a plane from Haiti and in a long maxi skirt and flip flops at this professional conference.

I casually mentioned that I had just gotten in from Haiti.  She immediately started comparing herself and thinking, ” I am in a room with an international speaker– how could I belong here.”

Meanwhile, I was shaking in my flipflops.  I was looking around at all these polished put-together women.  I looked at Shannon and her beautiful outfit and winning smile and she looked so put together to me.

I started thinking, ” What am I doing here.  How could I belong here?”


What a thief of contentment.

And it happens to us when we least expect it, often while scrolling through social media.

Shannon’s book Comparison Girl : Lessons from Jesus on Me-Free Living in a Measure Up World  helps us remember that we cannot pour out when we are trying to measure.

So one of the best ways to defeat comparison.

Pour out.  Pour out God’s love and encouragement on those in the room.  The social media square.  The thing that you are feeling insecure in.

I cannot wait for you to listen in on our conversation.

Ps:  Don’t forget to hit subscribe on your favorite podcast app so you do not miss an episode of Coming Alive Conversations. It’s free and we love to have you as part of our conversation.

(Click here to listen if receiving via e-mail)

Ps: Don’t forget I am starting an exciting 31-day journey July 20th-August 16th and I would love to have you join us.  Sign up this week and use the code YES for 15 Percent off this course.  It’s wont feel ike school I promise.  We will do a 31-day devotional together on moving from fear stops to faith steps.  There is a private Facebook group so you can enjoy community as you take the journey, weekly videos available to watch at your leisure, and a weekly Zoom teaching/encouragement building call.

Click here for more information 

Show Notes:

Jenn is welcoming Shannon Popkin to the show today.

Mentioned in this episode:

Philippians 2

Connect with Shannon:





Comparison Girl (book)

Connect with Jenn:

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