Cutting down the Fences


As you know during the month of May and for this first week of June I am re-airing interviews for Coming Alive Conversations from previous seasons.

I had already planned to re-air this interview with Rebecca Smith, author of A Better Life because I did not get to really highlight it because it posted when I was busy doing tornado disaster relief.

I want to tell you that I want you to read the message of this book now more than ever.

She reminds us in the stories in her book what it looks like to move past fear and our uncomfortable to get to know those that have different life experiences, cultures, and lives than we may.

I think of that in light of what is happening in our country these days.  It breaks my heart that racism exists.  That we can easily get so caught up in living our own lives and stories and what is familiar that we forget to try to understand someone else’s life story and experiences.

Without trying to make answers for them but listening to them. Learning. Leaning in. Loving our neighbor.

I love this quote in Rebecca’s book.

But what if I– and all of us– assumed a posture of arms open wide? What if when we found ourselves as part of the majority, we verbally reached out and extended a welcome to the minority? What if by cutting down the fences, you find your new best friend?  What if by cutting down the fences you make enough speace to let others in too? — Rebecca Smith, p 110 A Better Life

I am challenging myself today to be a better listener and question asker.  A friend.  To lean in and love and to pray.

Let’s go around the fences we may not even realize that we build in our hearts.

Note:  please keep in mind this podcast interview was recorded before the pandemic and the most recent events in our country.  But I wanted you to hear the story behind Better Life Bags and how God took Rebecca on an incredible journey as she said yes to God.

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Show Notes:

Jenn Hand welcomes Rebecca Smith to the show this week.

Mentioned in this episode:

Rebecca’s Book: A Better Life

Ephesians 3:20

Connect with Rebecca:





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