Making Room for God: An Interview with Billie Jauss


I love getting to introduce you to my friends.  Let me introduce you to my new friend Billie Jauss.    We met in real life back in February at a writing retreat.

I knew right away she was a fireball for the Lord. Her face glowed and her heart shined the reflection of Jesus and I could not wait for you meet her.

On this podcast episode, we have such a great conversation talking about how God has a more story for us, but we have to make room for less in our lives so that God can do more.

Do you ever struggle with comparison?  Let’s be honest together friends– I do not think there is anyone among us who does not struggle with this.  And if you have never compared yourself to anyone, please message me because I want to get your secret sauce that helps with that.

In this conversation, we take a deep dive into comparison and how it can steal the more story God has for us.

I don’t want to give it all away so without further ado (isn’t that just the most fun phrase and to be honest I have no idea if that is how you spell ado) I want you to hear this conversation that I know will encourage your soul.

(Ps:  For all the baseball lovers out there you will love hearing how she is a coach’s wife, and you will hear my true confession that I have never been to a baseball game– don’t judge me)

If you want to make sure to not miss an episode of Coming Alive Conversations, go to your i-tunes, search Coming Alive Ministries and click subscribe a new episode will come out every Monday and we would love to have you!

(If you are viewing this via e-mail click here to listen)

Show Notes 

Billie Jauss’ book:

Making Room:Doing Less So God Can Do More

Follow Kathi Lipp on IG and at Communicator Academy and Clutter Free Academy


Eph 3:20

Is. 59

Is 30:21

Things making Billie come alive:

Jen Hand

Find Billie:

@billiejauss on Instagram

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