.. in the family.. #comingaliveatchristmas#day10
I cannot help it. A cheesy song is going through my head that we used to end every church service growing up with. During the Sunday night services at least.
We would grab hands and sing, ” I’m so glad I am a part of the family of God.”
Those were the days of still wearing pantyhose and fancy dresses to Sunday night church.
No judgement if you still do, but I do not. I remember we would take off those dreadful panty-hose things for Sunday nap, then put them back on.
Makes me grateful for the days of leggings. Now let’s not get into the leggings or pants debate .
I am glad that I am a part of the family of God.
Matthew 1 is the genealogy of Jesus. I love that the Christmas story started with a list of all the names of Jesus’s family tree. Names like Rahab who was a prostitute and Ruth who was a foreigner, an outsider, David who committed adultery
Because of Jesus we are grafted into the Christmas family tree.
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