Proverbs 5#write31days
Honestly Proverbs 5 was a bit hard for me to figure out what to write about.
There are some stern warnings from a father to a son about guarding himself from adultery. The reminders that one bad choice can bring you to utter ruin.
But the end of Proverbs 5:23 is what stuck out to me.
He dies from lack of discipline and because of his great folly He is led astray.
Whew. Those are some strong words. I don’t know about you but I struggle with discipline in my life. Sometimes (or more than sometimes) I want to take the easy road. Even the word discipline is hard for my free spirit out of the box thinking.
But I do not want to be led astray by “great folly”. I want to walk in the path of wisdom that is talked about all through Proverbs. I want my soul to live free because I am walking in the discipline God has set forth for my protection and freedom.
So for each one of us this may look different. But I want to seek the Lord and ask Him, what discipline do you want me to implement in my life.
I am thinking I lately have been spending to much time on social media. Not that social media is at all a bad thing– but I don’t want it to be a consuming thing. I don’t want to be so undisciplined in my use of it that I miss what God is doing in my real life now. I want His voice to be the first one that I listen for in the morning when I wake up instead of automatically reaching for my phone.
What about you? What discipline could God be wanting you to implement so your soul can live?