story of a girl.. her car.. and a carwash.. read for a good laugh

Do you need a good laugh this Saturday?
I always feel the need to share the hilarious adventures of my life with people.. so here goes your good laugh Saturday!

So.. my Dad went to the bahamas and had to survive hurricane sandy. My mom was supposed to go pick him and his business partner up at airport in Atlanta tonight, but she is at the hospital with my grandfather.  I know how often my Dad has dropped everything to help his girl, so I decided to go pick him up.  However, for those of you that know me and my fast past always going self, my car was/always is A MESS.. partly because half the time I am out of town somewhere besides my house! (whoops now don’t some weirdo read this and try to break into my house– I don’t have anything worth you getting anyways. hahah.. even my tv doesn’t work.. it’s just there so the tv cabinet doesn’t look empty.. seriously.. hasn’t ever worked since I got it!)

So insert operation clean good ol’ toby the taurus out.  Well I cleaned toby out of all the stuff.. then I realized how dirty His carpet/upholstery was.. haha.. so I remembered seeing a free vacuum area at a car wash.   Dumb ol me thought you could just use the free vacuum… hahha.. but no.. they make it where you have to get your car washed first.

I had my feelings that if I washed toby the taurus in a car wash that He would stop running and die of internal engine heart failure, but I thought why not… I dug around the newly clean cupholders (who knows how much spilled coffee had built up in them ha!) found 4.00 worth of quarters (felt like highway robbery to me!)
.. but don’t worry. I totally got four dollars of laughs.

First of all , this was the most technological car wash I had ever been to. 
There luckily was a little man directing you what to do.. far to many instructions for me.. You had to put your car in neutral, get on this little tract thing and it took you through the car wash.. hahah.. i had my bike rack on and apparently they frown on that.. the little man didn’t quite understand that I didn’t want him to take it off because I have no idea how to get it back on. It’s still not on.

Then came the joy of the car wash.
I must admit– I was like a four year old. I loved it.. i even took pictures and sent it to my sis– i knew she would love it just as much. I mean it’s like giant monsters come and wash your car! hahah
I am weird I know

My car looked brand spanking new when I got out of there.. well except for all the dents in it for various things I have run into in the past!

And as I was in the carwashing grinning so big to myself I couldn’t help thinking about the daily opportunity we have to get spiritually clean.  I know . that sure makes me sound spiritual doesn’t it.
Why hang on to shame, regret, fear, failures– when daily… DAILY, minute by minute everything about us can be made clean.

Lamentations 3:23 His mercies are new EVERY morning.  And you don’t even have to pay 4.00 for that heart washing. The price was already paid for us.. but our Jesus.
He died so we could live.
Set apart

Now that’s worth shouting about

ok.. now insert hilarious story part II:

The reason I went.. the vacuums!  and wowsers..I had no idea such a powerful vacuuming existed. It vacuumed up EVERYTHING.. including at first accidentally an unsuspecting toy car of my nephews.

Haha.. but then guess what..

yep:  I was down there with my head close to the floor board really really vacuuming.. when a strand from my hair that had escaped my ponytail  got sucked.. literally sucked into that crazy hose. More and more of my hair was going into that suction abyss.   I am not sure but right before my very eyes I knew I was going to be bald in a quick second.. so I shouted a quick glory and prayer.. and screamed for the unsuspecting man next to me to help.  Luckily everyone in brainerd apparently goes to the car wash on saturday so there was somewhere there.

He quickly pushed the emergency stop button.
Who needs those?

apparently people like me..

So there you have it.. a now have a small bald spot from the vacuuming .. but have a much much cleaner car to go pick my dad up from the airport

haha.. my sister texted me and said this was a car posing as toby!

So as I drive in my clean car to atlanta I am also going to rejoice that Jesus Christ has made me spiritually clean.  He has suctioned the sin out of my heart and replaced it with His Holy Spirit.  Sure i still sin, but His spirit has sealed me and convicts me, and continually helps me to live HOLY!
So grateful! 

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  1. wed. 10/31
    Jennifer–I finally just had a chance to read this. I think the parallels you found at the car wash are spot on! Especially the Lamentations verse–his mercies are new every morning.
    Your car looks great AND you get to 'drive' God's message to you each day. What a deal!