Your love, God, is my song, and I’ll sing it!
I’m forever telling everyone how faithful you are.
~Psalm 89:1-2, The Message
How Faithful is our God. 2 weeks ago He worked a miracle and allowed me to go back to Nepal where I had served as a missionary for 2 years. I had the most amazing week of minisry of my life. I got to counsel in nepalee, speak and minister to some of God’s dearest servants. A part of my heart got to go to where I left a huge chunk of my heart, and sing God’s song of faithfulness over some of God’s most faithful servants. It was a ministry dream come true.. I want to share more about that.. when I can. When I can find the words and process it. For now I will just share a picture

That’s me worshipping and singing of God’s faithfulness at the conference.. it was such a sweet precious week of ministry. It was soo easy to speak about and proclaim God’s faithfulness.. I was having the ministry week of a lifetime. This retreat was in Pokara Nepal, about a 7 hour bus ride from Kathmandu Nepal (the city I lived in for 2 years) We returned on a Friday from an incredible time of ministry where it was easy to proclaim God’s faithfulness. The plan was for the rest of my week in nepal to revisit all the friends I had poured into for two years and just encourage and spend time with them. However Saturday morning I recieved a phone call that changed everything….would I still be able to sing of God’s faithfulness when:
My parents called me on skype.
My Dad had been to the doc for tests
The doc had said it was less then 2% chance it was cancer
They recieved that news that stunned us but not God
My Dad had agressive Bladder cancer.
A cancer that was spreading soo like wildfire they had to do something IMMEDIATLY.
My Dad, who has shown me the love of my heavenly Father was healthy when I left for nepal
God was still faithful!
He held me in his arms.. He stretched His arms all the way from America to Nepal
My precious nepalee friend in the middle esther, when she heard the news (this was like 2 hours after I heard) grabbed my cheeks, with tears streaming down said Jenn God loves your Dad more then You do. I have clung to that, held on to that, God held me with that
Our Faithful God worked a miracle and got me an immediate plane ticket home
He held me tight in HIS presense in what was the longest
loneliest 48 hour journey home of my life
all I can tell you is that I looked out the plane window
And asked Jesus to help me to trust him like I trusted the pilot of our plane
He held me me..
He touched me
He whispered Believe
Hold on to me
He was my comfort and the arms around me when I was all alone far from home

I arrived just in time for my Dad’s 1st surgery Tuesday morning. The doc tells us the cancer is so aggressive and has spread so much so quickly His kidney was already dying off.. he needed another surgury immediatly that day to drain his kidney.. that the cancer was agressive and He would operate on Saturday to remove my dad’s bladder, prostate (and later we found out appendix). I cannot tell you what it was like to hear those words, yet hear the words of Jesus also: PEACE BE STILL, this does not suprise me. Your life changed in an instant, I did not. I AM.
So our family clung tightly to the I AM. My Mom and Dad prayed God would use them. Last Friday night My Dad’s hospital room was full of about 16 people to annoint him and pray for him and for us.. people my parents have touched.. especially all my friends who consider them their parents. My Father prayed the most amazing prayer at the end.. I will never forget how God turned that moment into Holy Ground. His spirit came into Erlanger Hospital room and moved. We sang Holy ground. right there.. my Dad hooked up to more tubes then you could imagine, with a drain coming from his kidney, and a cancer inside that was eating his body alive– about to have an 8 hour surgery- in that moment that room became Holy Ground.. and we sang.. and I could almost see the angels all around.
You can follow the rest of the story by reading the carepages we wrote (its not that long because this has only been about a 14 days journey) at and journey with us on the past 14 days. They were able to get ALL the cancer and removed my Dads bladder, prostate and appendix. He was in the ICU for 5 days, with some very dangerous times where we were not sure what was going to happen.
But in the whirlwind God has been there
He has held us, covered us, sent us His people
When we could not pray, people prayed for us
We have beheld the lamb of God
I am overwhelmed
all I can do is SING of God’s faithfulness.
My Dad will hopefully be discharged to rehad soon and be there for the next 2 weeks and then be our christmas present this year 🙂 If they had not found this when they did even a few short weeks we could possibly be saying goodbye to our Father.
Would you rejoice with me in the wonder working power of our God
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Rejoicing with you indeed, Jenn — so grateful to read this report of your dad's successful surgery and ongoing recovery. And your faith through it all? Just simply amazing. God is good, and he is so pleased with your faith right now, dear girl! Will pray for you all in the coming days and weeks!
What a loving story, you are so full of God's love and joy. Peace to you and your family!
Praising God with you for the great I AM and for the Holy Presence with you. I pray, Father, that you will continue to fill this family with peace, comfort, faith and your presence. Thank you for the faith of this great man; that he would lead the prayers lifted on his behalf. Fill him like never before and may YOU be glorified.In the only name that heals and gives eternal life, Amen
I love how we can ALWAYS count on Him to do exactly what He promised—to be perfectly reliable, always steady and stable. That is His faithfulness. His Word is unfailing. Praise the Lord! He is a faithful God. His Word is reliable and His promises are trustworthy.Therefore, let those also who suffer according to the will of God entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right-1 Peter 4:19(As the Creator, God has the power to carry out His perfect plan for our lives and to accomplish His perfect purposes through our suffering. And as the faithful Creator, He can be counted on to do it. Therefore we can consciously entrust ourselves to His care with complete confidence, and hand the safekeeping of our lives over to Him, believing that He will do what is best. When we do that, we will have peace in the midst of adversity.) I admire your trust and faith in Jesus. You and your family are truly an inspiration to me and I know so many others 🙂 Keep on sharing your testimony of this with everybody. Proclaim the works and miracles of the Lord. This has touched my heart and blessed me so much.Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens,your faithfulness to the skies. -Psalm 36:5(God's faithfulness is unlimited)Your word, LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures. -Psalm 119:89-90Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; -Lamentations 3:22-25(Every generation can count on what He has said. No wonder Jeremiah exclaimed with joy, “Great is thy faithfulness”)Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;There is no shadow of turning with Thee;Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.Great is Thy faithfulness!Great is Thy faithfulness!Morning by morning new mercies I see.All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,Sun, moon and stars in their courses aboveJoin with all nature in manifold witnessTo Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.Pardon for sin and a peace that endurethThine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!Love you much,Your #1 fan and sister in Christ
I am rejoicing with you, Jenn, and continuing to pray for your sweet father. Yes, yes. He is always the same. Love to you.
Rejoicing with you over God's faithfulness to you and your family… could feel my tears well up as I read your post and I could sense how close you were to your father. What a blessing to have an earthly father that modeled the heavenly father for you. Blessings to you and your family.Visiting from Ann's blog.
Amen! So grateful for the miracle that God worked through your dad's body. Praying for continued recovery and a blessed holiday season!
I cannot express how proud of you I am! Hugs! We serve the Living God who heals! I don't think I have ever loved you more than in this moment friend!