Blenders and F words (not the bad ones)
Recently some friends of mine moved to africa. They gave me a wonderful blender with a spout to make smoothies. I was so excited about it (they also gave me my first real live grown up couch not from the goodwill at 29 years old ). Last night I used it for the first time. I was making my mom (who is having surgery today, pray for her) some broccoli cheese soup. I knew she liked broccoli in small pieces so I blended it up. And i thought how fun is the little spout thing. I love little fun things, so of course I would love and be enamored by a little spout thing. I wanted to use it. So i pulled it and nothing came out. Running short of time I finally gave up and just poured the green goo (i tell you in that form that soup doesn’t look to appetizing) so that I could finish. Later that night I went to clean it and tried the spout again. It would not work so I got curious. I pulled it off and realized it had gotten clogged by a big ol piece of broccoli. I was glad I had taken it off because how gross would have it been not to clean it out.
And I realized our hearts are like that. We let our hearts get clogged up and we don’t even know it.. until what normally comes out isn’t anymore.. .. I just recently am seeing some ways my heart has gotten clogged up. Like I can make ministry an idol and identity instead of a form of pouring out God’s love in worship.. I get clogged up and then I can’t pour out. Instead what bubbles up is insecurities and pain– which causes you to filter things in the wrong way.
I don’t want to be clogged up or stuck.. I want my “heart spout” to work.. how bout you!
So last night I did a Bible study on F words. Words like Faith, face, forward, fight, fear, flight, fun, fellowship, friendship, fulfillment, free.. ect. There are alot of awesome F words 🙂 And I realized as I have been teaching on the Israelites journey to the promised land.. F words are all throughout that journey into their promised land. F words are throughout our journey to. Faith, freedom, sometimes having to fight, sometimes having to face, sometimes move forward, freedom ect.
I was reading in Joshua 3 about 2nd time around trying to enter promise land and getting to the jordan river. It said the priests carrying the ark of the covenant stood on the middle and everyone else crossed on dry ground. I want to stand in the middle as a priest because I am a believer carrying the presence of God.. stand in faith on dry ground and expect the sea to part.
What F word means the most to you?
Great analogy, and I love your blender!
Have a wonderful wednesday!
Oh, yes, my heart can get clogged. I have to continually run liquid plumber (aka The Bible) through it to combat this problem. Love your heart and the analogy here!
Oh how my heart can be clogged but two of my favorite F words act as a plunger – forgiveness and freedom.
What a nice analogy! Favorite "F" word? I think forgiven =)
You are getting great with analogies! I need some pointers! Love when you write!
Faithful! I am so thankful for his faithfulness!
Faithful. Because so often I fail to be faithful but He still is. I'm dependent on His faithfullness…
Beautiful!!! You are brilliant, Jenn! So blessed by you!