Five Minute Friday– Beauty in a Bathing Suit?

I am linking up with the gypsy mama and doing the 5 minute friday post. ( You write unedited for five minutes on a subject. The subject this week.. Beauty..
Beauty in a bathing suit? Lord are you sure? I was on vacation with the 2 beautiful girls in the picture above. Both gorgoeus, tan, and skinny. I felt like I was none of the above. I felt ugly, not tan , and like a beached whale. When I heard the Lord whisper.. BEAUTY .. you are beautiful.. even in a bathing suit? I whispered back.. Lord are you sure. I will never forget that beach vacation years ago now. I heard the lord whisper, you are beautiful…
Now guess what.. praise the Lord I feel beautiful. Even in a bathing suit. I have been on a radical journey to finding my beauty in the Lord. I asked him bodly do you think I am beautiful? And I waited for an answer. Then 6 months later I was on a silent retreat for grad school and an older gentleman came up to me and said God has an answer to your question..
Song of Solomon 4:7
I had no idea what question he was even talking about
But I went and looked
You are altogether beautiful my love, there is no flaw in you!
God declares me beautiful
How can I not agree?
He made ME!
Beauty even in a bathing suit!
(ok 5 minutes up!)
Love it! And I love that you posted pics to go with it. 🙂
Yah for you….loved this:)!Beth
Thank you for sharing! Isn't it great to know that HE calls us beautiful?
So far my favorite 5 minute Friday! Wonderful post, I got goosebumps when you mentioned the verse the man gave you…wow!! Made me want to go out and put on my bathing suit, except I'm not even brave enough to buy one…better work on that!
ok, tearing up over here! Wonderful story – such an encouragement to this not so svelte mama! Great post, just perfect. And that God met you — I am so blessed when God meets us in those extra-personal ways 🙂
What an amazing story! How encouraging that God loves you so much that He would answer your question in a way so that you would have no doubt! We serve a wonderful God. 🙂
oh wow jenn… i love that he gave you this bible verse. what an incredible post. i've struggled to believe i'm beautiful, and now, i seek to help others realize they are through my eating disorder blog: i'm wondering if you would want to write about this experience more fully (about your struggles to believe you are beautiful, and about what God told you) for a guest post sometime at chasing silhouettes? if so, can you email me at [email protected]? thank you! e.
How wonderful! Thanks for sharing! You are beautiful!