My precious Bible study ladies that I have the joy of teaching every week are used to me getting excited. I mean sometimes I get so excited about teaching God’s word I can hardly contain myself. I feel so privileged to get to do it.. and every week with the most wonderful ladies in the world. Usually I am so excited because the words God has given me have ministered so much to my own heart. So I have a question for you. Have you ever felt like God is calling you to take the next steps into your promised land..whatever that may be.. that He has marked out for you.. but you are afraid.. scared.. anxious.. terrified.. all those awful adjectives. You spend hours in your mind figuring out how you are going to make it work, or how it is not going to work out.. you get lost quickly in the
that you lose the way into the promised land God is calling you to walk into. I know God is calling me to some specific steps into the ministry God has called me into. But I have found myself getting caught in the What if’s, How’s and maybe’s. Yesterday the Lord spoke to me and said
Jenn will you SEE the giants
or will you
BE THE GIANT of Faith?
So.. I studied Numbers 13 and I made an acrostic
and I wanted to share it with you!
When the Israelites got almost to the promised land they sent some spies who SAW the giants. And this is what happened…
Grasshopper mentality (they said in num 13: 33 they saw the giants and they became like grasshoppers in their own sight and SO we were in their sight ) How often does the grasshopper mentality make our GIANT problems look big and our God look small?
Ignored past miracles ( they said in Numbers 14:11 How long will they NOT believe in me despite all the signs I have performed? I sure don’t want to insert my name in that)
Accept defeat (before they had even been into the battle.. how often do we do that.. Numbers 13:31 We are not able to go up against these people they are to strong for us)
Negative report (Numbers 13:32 they gave out a bad report.. how often do we do that instead of proclaiming the glory of our Lord)
Tortured thinking (accepting defeat and negative report leads to our tortured thinking.. the what if’s.. how comes.. I can’t’s ect.. you know the way we torture ourselves with our thinking.. )
See no promise land
All the above led them to see no promised land (Numbers 14:24-29). I think our churches are full of people who saw the giants and became like grasshoppers.. then they just sit on the pews until their “corpses fall in the wilderness”. I know that sounds harsh but I don’t want that to be me. .. or you.. and we so easily fall into this mentality.
The three last four letters of GIANTS spells ANTS. When we accept defeat before we even started, when we start giving Negative report, when we have Tortured thinking, and See no promised land.. we start to view Gods power like little ANTS and our problems like the giants who can squash the ants…
I don’t want to miss my promised land because I get a grasshopper mentality
I want you to think about this.
and tomorrow I will post again about the good stuff
How by God’s GRACE
we move from
Stay tuned..
please leave your comments.. I love reading how God is speaking to you.. how have you experienced the grasshopper mentality? I know I have even this week…
Thanks for sharing this! I have giants in my life, but I also have the Holy Spirit living in me and He is way bigger and more powerful than my giants! Sometimes I just need a good friend to remind me 🙂 I'm bummed that I missed hearing you teach this one…I see now why you were so excited about it!
I don't know how I missed this post, but I believe it is the Lord's word for me right now! Thanks Jenn! love you!