By the way. this was our desert at a meal when I got to experience a little taste of heaven..
A Little Taste of Heaven is…
650 woman worshipping God in a room together.. woman from all over. All different shapes, sizes, haircolors, dressing styles– all different gifts, talents and abilities.. but all one thing in common. A group of Jesus loving gals who want to answer HIS call. Who may be fearful of His call, who may not know the steps or how it will exactly turn out– but they raise their hands, and Say Here I am Lord. I am placing my desires, my calling, my gifts on the altar of sacrifice and I am asking you to show me what it means to answer the call. A taste of heaven was being apart of this group!
My precious speaker evaluation group. Yup… does the word EVALUATION send shudders up your spine? For this everyone please like me and approve of me gal it sure does.. whew. But again we felt called. Called to trust God to put us in a group of 12 like minded Jesus loving girls + 1 incredible leader Wendy Blight from Proverbs 31 (please check her ministry at to place ourselves before them and bring a 3 minute message one night and 5 minute the next. You stand before them and they have their pens poised to EVALUATE as you speak. Jesus whispered in my ear three words as I got ready that first night when I found out I would be first LIVE AUTHENTICALLY ALIVE .. Just come with none of me and ALL of him and speak.. and those ladies were so gracious in their evaluations.. only sharing things that will help me grow in my calling!
Just one of the precious ladies I was blessed to meet. She resonated Titus 2.. and then I foud out that is her ministry direction.. how cool is God!
A little taste of heaven is entering the prayer room they have set up there. They have the names of God all throughout the room and they prayerfully place your name among one of the names of God. I entered the prayer room with a Holy Awe. I searched for my name and found it on the top of EL. Such a small name that packs much punch. El THE STRONG ONE! I entered the prayer room, took this name of God as my promise. I am weak, He is strong. I took communion right in front of this name of God. Then I knelt and gave my heart’s call to the Lord. And I gave Him the book proposal I had labored over.. the message I strongly felt on my heart to write a book on Living Alive in the midst of the waiting, wishing and wondering of Singlness. I knelt and prayed to EL– tHe strong one. Then I ascended the steps to where the publisher appointment was. And I knew THE STRONG one was with me.. and no matter what I could TRUST. And I met with a publisher. And she took the proposal. From where God takes it next I am not sure.. but it was an amazing gift to get to step out in faith.
so how can I sum up She Speaks Conference 2011
to SHE… ME!
God spoke so many words of life to me I cannot even begin to process it. Last year I was so blessed to go to SheSpeaks 2010. I learned much and returned home, and I am ashamed to say I sat on most of the info. I got scared. See my call to speak and write and share FREEDOM of CHRIST with ladies is my deepest hearts desire.. so deep I cannot even find words to explain it. So instead of sacrificing it fully on the altar of God’s sacrifice and trusting, I stayed a bit still. God says to me this year.. NOW ITS TIME. Amy Carroll spoke from Psalms 84 which discusses a journey. It’s time for me to JOURNEY from strength to strength and keep trusting God.. to step up and move. It’s scary. It’s unknown. But I was God, the EL to take my little and watch it become ALOT. Would you take this journey with me also?
What is your deepest hearts desire? Are you
These are words the Lord spoke to me over and over this weekend also. What is holding you back from not only living alive, but living Authentically alive. How can I pray for you on your journey? what is God calling you to do.. how is God whispering also JUST BE.. i am EL The strong one.. lean into me? Please leave me a comment and let me know how I can be praying for you! You are a blessing to me!
Oh, yes, the "evaluation" part did send shudders up my spine! But, even in my weakness, even in my fear, He met me. So glad that we get to connect here even if we didn't meet at She Speaks!
Man, the picture of that dessert brings back memories! Wasn't it yummy??! 🙂 I am loving reading about everyone's experiences at She Speaks. And I agree with Jen, sorry we didn't meet in person but glad we connected here! Maybe I will see you next year 🙂
I am SO glad you linked up to my meme, and I love the post! Did you know that Sweet Titus 2 gal was my room-mate, and happens to be my best friend in real life? So yay!
Enjoyed reading about your "taste of heaven." Great post!
Clicked over from Jen's…late!
I remember that dessert, not sure why since I ate it in about three minutes. Powerful, powerful time.
It's funny. I posted my sheet from the prayer room too!
OH Jen, What a pleasure to have shared with you in this weekend. You are an anointed gift from God! He will use you for mighty works. God's joy is so evident in you it exudes out of every part of your being. Loved spending some time with you!
I'm trusting God as I move forward with Titus 2 ministries. He is able and I am his vessel. Let's stay in touch!