Five Minute Friday
I’m going to participate in the Five minute Friday post from the link listed under my title– a precious new blog I have found. The assignment
write for five minutes on the concept of STILL..
You know what came to my mind when I saw the word STILL..
my two nephews.
Now if you know them you may think I am crazy.
My real nephew.. the cutest blonde haired mischiveous darling
My little man
His foster brother with special needs and a special heart
Who I am head over heals in love wiht
So why the word STILL? Because when I hang
out with them
which is as often as I possiby can (all they have to do is say Aunt nenn)
I feel like everything in my heart STILLS
and I see the world through the eyes
of 2 precious children..
and therefore through the eyes of Jesus.
Let me tell you about my still (yet full packed ) Thursday with them
Took Matthew to physical therapy at childrens while my sister took Alex to get a follow up chest exray from His mono
Watched Matthew work His little heart out to work his precious
four year old legs and arms out at physical therapy.
STILL.. in the midst of the busyness I watched Him play with shaving cream on the mirror to try to get his arms working better and HE laughed with delight. And I reminded my heart to BE STILL and laugh with delight
Then we we+Michelle and Alex went to play downtown… we got to
Ride the carosel .. even though it’s not usually open till 11:00 and it was 9:45. Alex, little man told aunt nenn with great faith THEY WILL open it.. and if not aunt nenn you have a key. And you know what.. it was open. As we spun round and round my heart was so full .. STILL.. watching the wonder through the eyes of a child who believed the door would open and it was.

Play in these fountains. Sure I was fully dressed.. sure it would make we wet and drippy and sticky.. but STILL.. I sure woud not miss out on this. And little man Alex would take my aunt and say.. the middle (where the water squirts high) is scary.. but STILL.. holding aunt nenns hand I can get in there and laugh and squeal .. so we laugh and sqeal together.. and STILL.. my heart is still.. drinking in the joy of these moments. It does not matter what bills are due, who is calling the cell phone.. that I have class in two hours.. STILL.. BE still and Know that these are the living alive moments I don’t want to miss. And that Jesus is in the midst of us.. smiling as we laughed as the water went high!
And then yummy donuts .. homemade from Julie Darling Donuts.. the BEST donut place in town. Every Thursday me and little man have a date there. I get the pancakes and bacon donut (the BEST) alex gets whatever has the most sprinkles. This week as we are getting ready to leave the amazing people that work there said you want to bring them back to watch the donuts cook? The boys LOVED it.. aunt nenn and michelle LOVED it just as much. Still.. we were about to leave out the door but we took time to watch
To BE still.
To enjoy the moment
To live ALIVE
through the eyes of a child
through the eyes of JESUS..
and it was glorious!
(Go eat there!)
So today when my sis called and I was packing for a trip
washing dishes
and said you wanna go with the nephews to the park
I said
of course
and it was glorious!
BE STILL and know He is God
What a great post!! Children are so precious… how wonderful that you have such good times with your nephews. God bless!
What a lvely tribute to your family. Glad you linked up… 🙂
thank you guys for your comments.. i look forward to reading your blogs 🙂