words fail.. but God doesn’t

I don’t even know what to say excpet the thing that keeps rolling around in my head is BUT GOD.. We don’t understand these things BUT GOD does. How could anyone survive this– BUT GOD! How could God use this? — BUT GOD..
God is who He says HE is, HE does what He says He can do– and I’m believing God.
We helped a man clear out tons and tons of tree and debris today but He still had his house. Looking down his driveway you could see the duplexes that are completely gone– the area where the black family was killed. Unbelievable.
We had such an emotional church service today– as my pastor was saying.. the tornado skipped right over is house, two other church members, and my sister and her hubbies.
I have to believe God cupped his hand of protection over them, and turned that tornado that was literally 100 yards away. Michelle and Todd and Alex and Matthew were in the bathroom singing if you are hpapy and you know it clap your hands at the top of their lungs. BUT GOD.. TURNED that tornado and protected them. That morning my sister had felt led to read psalms 41 over them… she had no idea that a massive tornado E4 tornado would come within 100 yards of them when she prayed this that morning.
psalms 41:
How blessed is he who considers the helpless, THe Lord will deliver him in the day of trouble
How blessed is he who considers the helpless, THe Lord will deliver him in the day of trouble
The Lord will protect him and keep him alive..
Wow.. BUT GOD.. God protected and kept them alive..
and for those He didn’t.. we don’t understand… cannot fathom.. BUT GOD…
So this week just wanted you to be thinking of your BUT God moments.. all of us have them. I would have been dead, broken, in bondage, here instead of there, married to this one instead of that one, .. BUT GOD!!
Thank you for your words, Jenn. I love your message.
Jenn, that puts cold chills all over me. Thank you so much for writing this. God has truly blessed you! I am SO SO very thankful that God saw fit to save Michelle, Todd, Alex, Vicky, Mike and all the the others from this storm. Thank you for reminding me to think of the BUT GOD moments. Love you so very much!