Coffee, Psalms, Jesus, and alot of catching up!
me and the little boy who captured my heart.. he introduced himself to me as preacher man!

I was these girls human barbie doll!

I mean we were being overachievers with our pear shaped snowman. Unfrtunatly it did not take long for his head to fall of because his hips were a bit to wide for his belly. Hahaha.. glad my head doesn’t fall off!

Dear bloggy friend, reader, whatever you wanna call yourself–
TRUE confession: I have been a horrible blogger.. deliquent you could call me actually… I have not blogged since I went to turkey in November. RIDICULOUS.. I am soooo sorry.. would you accept my humble apologizes because I know that you have been dying to hear from me right 🙂 I am sitting here at panera drinking a steaming cup of hazelnut coffee ( and might I add I love that the guy at the counter asked me if I wanted a mug or a to-go-cup.. of course a MUG please… nothing makes me come alive more then snuggling a steaming coffee cup!
I am sorry for the lack of updates. December was well BUSY and fun and made me come alive. and well at the beginning of december I went through some things that were pretty difficult. Was pretty hurt by a group of people I trusted that I was very involved in doing ministry to.. so I needed to take some time off to just let God speak to me through that situation.
So I am determined to be a good blogger again. I thought I might share some photos of things that have made me come alive in December and January.
Since I have written last, I have been to Haiti, experienced a fun snowstorm, and become an aunt to the cutest foster boy in the world. For security purposes I cannot show pictures.. but my sister and her hubby are my heros. They took in a four year old special needs little boy and aunt nenn is TOTALLY in love with HIM. Everytime HE hugs me, runs to me, pats me on the back, or says aunt nenn I just want to squeeze him to pieces. One of the highlights of my january was last week when I got snowed in at my sisters house for 2 days– nothing like being woke up early to two little boys running down the stairs saying AUNT nenn’s still here! 🙂 I feel sooo alive and soo blessed by the gifts of the Lord. I wanted you to see some pictures of just some of the examples of the good and perfect gifts from above the Lord has given me.. ! Even through some difficult times.. the Lord has given me soo many gifts of His presence. Now I want to hear about what good and perfect gifts the Lord has given you?
ok.. some photos…
Hey Jenn! I count it a gift to be able to see the pictures of the children in Hiati and to see the huge smile on your face!God blessed us with being able to meet with ministry partners Jon and Joni and I whipped up some little aprons for their girls ( and a couple more). Creating artsy things that also have a function helps me come alive. *pics on facebook*We are still having opportunities to share TACTICA Ministries with people and that is such a huge blessing.. I pray it also blesses those who choose to partner with us.Thank you for sharing!!