Coming Alive

I am blogging again. What has kept me? FEAR! What Jenn Hand afraid? Yup. Afraid that who would want to read what I have to say now that I am not living in the adventure of being a missionary in Nepal. Afraid because the deepest desire of my heart.. the deepest longing I have, my deepest yearing you might say is to minister to woman.. to challenge myself and woman to COME alive.. walking alive in the abundance of who we are in Christ. I looooved blogging while I lived in Nepal. In fact I often thought of my life as a blog entry. And I still do. In my normal everyday life I often find myself blogging in my head as I go. But I listened to the lie of the enemy. Who would want to read your blogs now Jenn.. you WERE a missionary.. now what do you have to say. Well watch out Satan… because here I come.
I did not want to blog on my old blog reachsouthasia because that was my journey of reachingsouthasia and I am no longer on that journey. But it took a whole year to let go of that. And I sooo desired to start a blog called comingalive ministries because that is the ministry God has laid on my heart to start. A ministry that challenges us all to walk alive in Christ Jesus. See I see so many Christian woman walking around living as if God is the same as the dead idols the Hindus worship in Nepal, Instead of walking ALIVE in a Christ who is ALIVE and risen today. Coming alive ministries is the deepest desire of my heart right now. So I did not want to put it out there. What if people scribble on my dreams? I wonder if any of you have ever felt that fear and let it hold you back?
This summer I was blessed to return to Nepal. It was a wonderful redemptive experience. And God used it to remind me that is not where He has now called me to be. He called me to let go of the old and JOYFULLY dance into the new. Right after coming back from Nepal I was blessed to go to SHE SPEAKS a speaker training conference. It was AMAZING. I learned so much about how to persue my lifelong dream of being a Christian woman’s speaker/teacher/writer ect. See since I was 8 years old and got saved I have a burning passion to teach God’s word. I remember on the playground making my friends attend my Bible club instead of swinging from the monkey bars! I went to She speaks and felt like I had been equipped to run forward with my dreams. Then I got scared. I had put my toes in the ocean of the desire and decided I better step back and just sit on the sand because what if I drowned? Anybody ever felt like that? Well I KNOW a lifeguard who not only scans the ocean with eaglelike eyesight, He knows when each and every wave is going to crash against the shore. So I am jumping in the water friends!

I want to challenge you to come alive in Christ. I want to challenge you to live alive in Christ. I want to challenge us to live in such a way that others can’t help but want to know Jesus Christ as the lover of their soul! Will you be willing to come alive with me?

John 10:10: I have come that they may have life and have it abudantly! I am not talking the health wealth and prosperity gospel here folks? I am talking walking in the promise of Jesus Christ.

So what have you done that makes you come alive this day? What have you done that makes you walk out of fear into faith. I have typed this blog post. I have asked you to take this journey with me! I want this to be a community where we come alive together!

So…. would you grab your cup of coffee (or your favorite warm beverage, or diet coke, or plain ol water) and journey with me?

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  1. I want to come alive with you! I am so thankful that you are writing this blog! I needed this so badly. I will walk every step with you! God has blessed you so much. I can see him through you in every step you take. I love you sweet niece!

  2. Jenn…first of all, so very excited about your blog. And how this has spoken to me. I want to jump in! Ahh, we think what if we fail? And yes, what if our dreams are scribbled on? I'm right at that in my journey right now. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Jenn, I'm actually reading your blog while I'm having my morning coffee. How 'bout that! God has been working on me, telling me I need to get off my rumpus and do something for someone else. I'm feeling that same fear you feel, I just don't exactly know what He wants me to do. Please help me pray about it so that I can do the thing He wants me to and that I can get out there and find it and not be afraid. I love you sweet girl. I think you are a fabulous writer/teacher/speaker and person.

  4. Oh. My. Gosh. First off, Jenn Hand, you are such an inspiration to me and you shine your light of Jesus so brightly! You are an amazing woman of God. 🙂 Do not let that Thing below us tell you other wise. He sucks. Second off, I love this blog! I promise you, I was thinking this morning of how I would love to read an awesome christian blog often. And what do you know? God is good and it's almost like He placed this right in front of me 🙂 I love it and I love you. so keep on writin' sister!

  5. Hey Jenn,What a blessing you are to me and we have never met! I need a community of women who want to "come alive" in their walk with Jesus. Yes, I have fear, and yes my spiritual battles have made me very weary. That's the place I find myself in lately. Thank you for jumping into the ocean, I will jump in with you!grace,Lisa Ball