Random posts

A photo of a good friend of mine Esther and her two daughers after Bible study ( put these photos up for you Casey Gann.. all of the ladies were so excited that night after I talked to you and told them Jaymasse)

My two youngest members of ladies Bible study. Sache and Sarei

Me and Esthers smallest gal

Just wanted to post a few random things:

–Today in church I almost could not hold it together when the lady in front of me reached into her bra to get her offering for the offering plate. She was wearing a sari.. which have no pockets, so I guess the bra was the next best thing
–It’s getting normal to have our bags checked for bombs before going into church. I was talking to my sis the other day and she said you say all of this so nonchalantly (sorry have no idea how to spell that)! about bombs and such. I guess it’s weird how normal life can become things like that here in nepal. When I go back to america I think life will seem much more predictable. Thanks so much for praying for nepal. Please please keep it up. These next few weeks are critical, with the Hindu extremist group posting some very specific threats against christians. Please continue to pray especiailly for my nepalese friends to stand strong. And the political climate here is pretty na rhombro (no good) right now

— only about a month until I come home. I have so many mixed emotions about that. But mostly, especially when I talk to my family, who are the BEST family in the whole world I just get really excited. I am going to get to see my little ALEX.. (and of course the rest of my family– don’t feel bad guys!)
— Friday I was in a salon all day getting a straightening perm. I did it because during monsoon season it rains everyday and I just cannot get my hair to do anything.. I love it. It’s so nice to think that I can let my hair dry and it dries straight. It’s very cheap to get done here.. but wowswers it’s a long process. I was in the salon for 5hours on Friday getting it done. The exciting part was the whole time they kept telling me how kasto meato my nepalee was (how tasty– which in their words means you speak really good nepalee/) They kept telling me I sounded just like a nepalee) This was so exciting to me because I am just reminded of How that HAS been God’s gift to me to give me an ability to communicate in their language of their heart. I know it was Him and I wanna give Him all the glory. And as I was getting the straightening perm the smell brought me back to a time when I was little and got a perm (yuck) and I had chigger bites on my head and the chemicals burned those chiggers right to death !

— I wonder if when I come little Alex (my nephew) will wonder why He now has another mommy that looks like His mommy

— I wonder why everyone I know has a b-day this month or the end of last month. We have been celebrating so many b-days around here.. which makes me happy because I love to party for any reason

— the garbage men have been on strike. How can the landfill decide to go on strike and no longer take garbage? it’s a landfill for goodness sakes. You should see the pile up in some place

–I just woke up from a nap, hence could be the reason for the complete randomness of this post. My last few posts have been pretty heavy so I thought I would post something a little more light

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  1. frankly Jenn. where has the rest of you disappeared? You look absolutely amazing in those pics. I can almost close my eyes and imagine alex in the pic you holding him. Except he wouldn't be sitting sweetly still like that. HE would be wiggling out of your arms.
    I wonder what would happen if I took offering out of my bra on sunday to put in the offering plate chuck holds. Quite honestly the thought absolultely cracks me up.
    I love you

  2. Awwww, what sweet little kiddos! Can't you just bring all the sweet ladies and their little chickies home with you? I have three empty bedrooms!! I know you're going to hate to leave them, but like you said you have your wonderful family here waiting on you! (Especially your Aunt Brenda! HA!!) I love you sweet girl! Stay safe!

  3. Jenn……I can't wait for you to arrive back in USA. I am pr%&ing for your safety. To be honest I can picture in my mind a lady in church pulling money out of her bra! I would have been laughing so hard that the pew would have been shaking. You will not believe Alex when you arrive. I also cannot believe you spend 5 hours to have your hair straightened. Your hair is beautiful and it looks straight. Any way………You look great in the pics. and we are counting the days until we see you. Love, Mama Ellis

  4. Please tell Esther that she and the girls look absolutely beautiful! I can't believe how long Sachi's hair's gotten.

    I wish I could come one last time to visit! 🙁 I just loved all those sweet ladies!

    It was so amazing to talk with you the other night. That was just what we'd been needing. You are wonderful and I love you so much! Can't wait to see your face in a few weeks!

  5. All I can say, is this is why we are best friends. You crack me up! I would totally be the one to take money out of her bra on Sunday, right after I said "Im sorry" for my singing…lol. I love u! and i cannot wait to see you and give u a huge hug!
    People, trust God all the time. Tell him all your problems, because God is our protection.-Psalm 62:8-Whit.

  6. Jenn, I must say I'm relieved to hear that the most exciting thing about this week's church service was a lady retrieving her offering from her bra. What a hoot! I know I would have been snickering and snorting until I embarrassed myself. Why are things so much funnier in church than they are anywhere else?

    When I was a kid, my dad made a rule that when a certain man got up to sing a solo, my sister and I had to walk out at separate times to "go to the restroom." The truth was – this man, bless his heart, had some really strange ideas on how to sing a song. He would say, "I found a poem today that I really liked, and I'm going to sing it to the tune of ….." Then he would try to fit the words into the tune, and it never worked. He would run words together really quickly to try and make them fit with the music or stretch them waaaaaaaay out to make sure he didn't run out of words before the tune ended. Another weird thing he did was hold onto the sides of the podium and circle his body around so that some words would be really loud when his mouth came right up to the microphone, while others were very soft when he was in the widest part of his circle. My sister and I would lose it every time he sang. Our shoulders would shake, and we would giggle until we cried (and I snorted.) Thus the rule – Cheryll and Sandra Smith had to go downstairs whenever Mr. Sanders sang.

    Well, as you can see, your comical story made me think back to lots of funny things that have happened in church, but I'll save those for some time VERY soon when I can see you in person! Yippie!

    Love you bunches,

  7. Hey girly….I enjoy reading your blog and wanted to let you know you are constantly in my prayers. God is always placing you and "your" country on my heart. Please pray that I would trust God for the details….our time is drawing near…there's a lot going on. I'll email details. Take care of you.
    Love ya

  8. Dear Friend:

    You are so often on my heart! You are amazing to receive the gifts of laughter and joy at a critical time. YOU so better write a book! I am talking to Papa intently about you! You are never from my thoughts or my prayers! Maybe there was another reason for putting in the bra? lol I thought maybe bras were not even worn there. Shows what I know! lol. Love you!

  9. Hey Jenn, when I bought cucumbers today at saleways Jewan did not have the right change. So while he talked on the phone he poked his wife in the side and she reached into here bra and handed me 50 rupees. I was a bit shocked.

  10. Hey sister,

    you've not heard from me in a while but I've been praying for you and will continue. love you dearly and can't wait to see you. I just know that you decided to come home on my birthday, right? hahaha. Well, I'll see you very soon. "Be still and know that I am God." Ps. 46:10
