My last dinner with Tammy and Brandon (good friends of mine) and their cousin Katlyn who has been spending some time wtih us and at the oprhange
Me, Leah, Daniel and chrissy and some of our closest nepalee family friends. Note the straightened hair. I’m soo loving it! We ate soo much food at their house. Dhal Bhat (rice and lentils) , sag (greeny spinache stuff) and buff that was good but got stuck in my teeth
My “m’ friends that I go to fellowship with. We were celebrating my dear beautiful friend Jessica (the one I went to thailand wtih) b-day by pizza and the only place you can get soft serve icecream.. it was almost a disaster because the lights went out for a minute so we thought they would not be able to make icecream!)

Us with one of the girls who came with the Liberty team’s family. Please please pray for them to come to know Christ and for God to use us in their lives
So sorry for the blogging diliquency. I have written so many posts in my head. I am super contemplative lately. Why? Because in 29 days I am leaving to return back to america! In 29 days I will be HUGGING My family, laughing, maybe a little crying, hugging my family, confusing poor little alex who will maybe be wondering why all the sudden the girl from teh talking box who calls herself aunt jenn is here and looks just like His mommy ( for those of you that don’t know that is my nephew and my sis and I are identical twins) After my family picks me up from the airport we will be headed directly to Chick-fil-a for some yummy breakfast and then to starbucks.. well .. at least that’s what i’ve decided!
ok.. so it’s been hard because i have been overwhelmed with so many different things I want to say. I want to say Thank you so much to you guys for taking this journey with me. I want to say how I am feeling right now.. the mixed emotions. I want to continue to ask you to pray about the persecution in nepal as some very specific threats are out right now against christians. I want to tell you about how I have been thinking about these past 2 years and the awesome things God has done.. how much He has changed ME .. how much he has SHOWN me .. how Much He has loved on me, been patient with me, poured His love on me… but I am going to wait on that post. .it’s coming though.. get ready.
For now I just thought I would give you a quick catch up on my week. I promise I will try to do better at blogging!
Last week started teaching an intensive two week class at the Bible college to the 3rd year students on Bible counseling. It has been alot of fun to teach them. They are precious students whom I have gotten to know well over the 2 years… but it’s keeping me busy. They laugh because it’s well known I am a sucker teacher and defionatly the easiest teacher at the Bible college, especially since I do not give tests.. (i don’t want to grade them!)
— Went visiting some church people yesterday. (see the top picture of me with baby) It was alot of fun. It was a strike that day so you could only walk on the streets and all the stores were closed. In fact saw them beat a man who was trying to drive his motocycle down the road– crazy!
— Have been to so many nepalese friends houses to eat. It’s so funny because operation feed Jenn as much nepalee food as you can until she pops operation has started. Because all of my nepalee friends are sad I am leaving it’s a race to feed me at their houses. It makes me feel soo loved, but maybe not so much my stomache. and this is just teh beginning. My calander is booked through till I leave with dinners and lots of them.. and lunches.. and can you come to my house again for another last dinner.. i mean I know we had that one last week.. but how bout’ another.. can you come for tea. it’s good to be loved..
–Had a goodbye dinner with my friends tammy and brandon because they are going to thailand and wont be back until after I leave. Tammy was one of the first people I met in nepal when I came in 2005. I love her and she has a wonderful new husband. We grilled real BEEF burgers and I found a HUGE onion which was exciting because they are usually super small and so I made some killer onion rings.
— Yesterday cooked a goodbye meal for my nepalee friend Hari and aliena. So sad to say goodbye. I hate them. I am glad that in glory we will no longer have to do it. They are leaving for India (see picture) Hari has been such a helpful friend to me
–Had a momo momo (steamed dumpling) making party with my nepalese friends tonight.. so much fun although they laughed at my inabiltiy to make them pretty. i will post pictures of that tommorow
— in the midst of all that taught womens bible study, went to church ( had my bag checked for bombs there of course), visited with some neighbors, slept some, exercised and took a few showers.. and had some WONDERFUL time with Jesus. I am so overwhelmed with praise when I think about what He has done.
Ok i’m going to leave you with that for now.. but please be expecting more. I feel like I have so much going through my head and heart lately.. just alot of contemplating these past 2 amazing years.. makes me just want to burst out and shout hallelujah to our great and awesome God.
Thanks for taking this journey with me
It sounds like you are very busy. Which I guess is a good thing because it helps to pass the time until you come HOME. Did you know that it was one month from yesterday that YOU COME HOME! I am sure that you hadn't realized that, ha ha. Just think you will be able to hold your nephew soon instead of a little baby. He was almost as little as the baby in the picture the last night you saw him. I wonder how he is doing at Youth Camp, his Grammy sure does miss him. I know it is sad for you to say goodbye to all the friends that you have made while you have been there but I know that everybody here is really looking forward to you coming home! God has used you in a mighty way while you have been there I know. God is proud of you and so are we! We love you very very much!
I've been completely spoiled lately with time with your wonderful family. I even got some time with Shawna last night, too. And we all talk about how we just can't wait until you're back. We miss you so much!
I love you and I'm praying for you.
I know this must be a time of such mixed emotions. You're sorry to be leaving your all of your dear friends, but glad to be coming home to your old friends and your family (including Aunt Brenda! HA!) I know you'll miss all of your friends and they'll miss you, but I'm sure neither of you will ever forget the wonderful times you've had together. I hope these last weeks are wonderful for you and full of love and good times, and of course good food! (Sounds like they've got that taken care of!) I love you sweetie! Hurry home and be careful! Love, Aunt Brenda