Easter photos
This is how you cook a potluck in nepal.. you need lots of firewood, Huge vats of rice and a freshly buchered goat
Me and one of our adorable orphans rachana
One of the girls getting Baptized in the pond. 19 people were baptized on Easter sunday including 2 girls from my Bible study and several of our orphans from the orphanage. It was so awesome.
Angel, one of the girls from my Bible study getting baptized. She is sooo shy so I was so proud of her for taking this step. Most nepalee people are really scared to get baptized because they do not know how to swim. The exciting thing is she prayed outloud when I asked her to at bible study this week. Before she was so shy she never would!

The church gathered around the pond.. down by the riverside.. to do the baptism service
Me and this cute little baby at our church. Nepalees do not kid around about wearing casual clothes at a picnic.. they come dressed in their fanciest outfits! can you imagine bringing your child dressed like this to an american church picnic?

Me and two of my Bible study girls who were baptized.. for some reasons nepalees do not like to smile in pictures

Me and a precious nepalee friend Rebecca.
I just thought this was the CUTEST picture of a nepalee boy from our church..

The Easter egg hunt.. it was a challenge finding places to hide amongst the trash. That was a new Easter egg hiding challenge for me. It was hilarous because I somehow hid eggs in the poisen ivy patch. Who knew there was poisen ivy in nepal. My teammates said if anyone was going to get poisen ivy it would be me.. and I did

The kids listening to shyam telling the resurrection egg story!
Hey Guys. I am sorry again for the delay in posting. Been a crazy busy week.. but an awesome one. The Easter picnic on Easter Sunday was such a blessing. Our whole church went out and just had a great time celebrating the risen savior together. The potluck looks alot different though: Goat curry and takari.. not your typical sunday easter meal for me
Then Easter sunday night we had an awesome communion service and Bible study at my house with our foreign fellowship that meets every Sunday. My favorite part: when we 20somethings and 30ish starting singing Victory in Jesus and Power in the Blood. I almost got up and clogged
Sad news this week: we had to put daisy (remember shyam and paula’s dog that lived with me the first six months I was here and started the nervous habit of losing her hair EVERYWHERE) to sleep. She has been really sick for the past six months pretty much been bulimic.. throwing up everything she eats.. I tried to counsel her, offered her all the things I learned in grad school, so now she is in dog heaven.
wowsers.. God has been blessing my socks off lately. He is so good. But I don’t want this to be a wordy post.. more pictures.. so I will finish now!
i love these pics.they make me sohappy. you look gorgeous. i think out easter dinner was more yummy!
Thank you for posting these pictures! How beautiful you are and the people you serve. the baptism service looks way more intimate and interesting than the green platic bath tub looking thing in our churches! Love ya!
Jenn, I love seeing all of the photos of your Easter celebration (well except for the “freshly butchered goat.”) Oh dear! I can only imagine what a thrill it was to see the ladies from your Bible study being baptized. The Lord is just giving you a small glimpse of some of the fruits of your labors in Nepal. But boy are you going to be blown away when you get to heaven and see all the ways He used you when you weren’t aware that others were seeing His light and His love being reflected through your life.
Keep shining, keep smiling and keep sharing the love of God. We’ll keep praying, and the Lord will keep on answering in ways that are “above and beyond all we can ask or imagine.”
Love you bunches,
I think Sandra said it all, but I just wanted to thank you for posting this! Sharing in your joy, and in the Father’s too!
Great pictures Jenn. Having watched them shave the goats the night before I have to say I thought they were quite tasty. That was the best Easter Dahlbaht and goat I have ever eaten.
I miss u so much! Your pictures always make me so happy! Ive been praying for you! I promise you a long kindred spirit filled letter very soon! 🙂