Youth retreat
These are my fun new glasses which God provided for me. My close friend here ash’s dad is an eye doc. I have loved her glasses since she got here. Remember how a year ago my glasses accidently got melted ( I mean really who else does that happen to but me) Since then I have not been able to find glasses here and have only worn contacts. The dust here is very hard on my eyes. I loved ash’s glasses, so her Dad was able to send me a pair in blue. wahoo.. at a very good price also! I love them. How awesome is it to find glasses that make you feel pretty and you did not even try them on first!
This is a horrible picture of me but I wanted at least for you to see the glasses. I love that God cares about all of our needs, big and small! (like wanting to feel pretty in my spectacles! 🙂
hehehe.. when I got bored trying to make my brain process hours of a nepalee message this was the view out the window i was sitting by.
The kiddos having a little worship time.. hehhee.. some of them are older then me but i still think it’s fun to call them kiddos.

Me, Maya and nista in my fun new korta!

Just doing what gals do.. laughing and being crazy– only in nepalee language not english.. sometimes that still weirds me out!

This is a picture of our team right now when we were at the hyatt for our team planning retreat. We have been on the ball lately. More team meetings this week and last weekend then I think we have had the whole time I have been on the team. From Left to right : Jim Long, our South Asia administrator who lives in Bangladesh and I love very much, Shyam Khatry our team leader, Paual his wife, Daniel and Chrissy, me and Leah. Nathan and Sarah– we wish that you had been in the picture with us!
Hey Jenn! I love your specs…those are the cutest! I am kind fo jealous of those who get to wear glasses b/c there are so many cute ones out there, he he. We were blessed last Sunday with Emily’s baptism! I am so grateful to the Lord that he allowed me to be the one who led her, and I was right there to help lead her into the baptismal! have a wonderful week.
I just want to thank you for taking time to post for us! I’m thankful for you! I don’t like that you were bitten by bugs though. My biggest blessing was seeing how far God has brought me, and seeing his faithfulness as he allowed me to share this weekend! Keep posting girl! Your birthday gifts are on the way to Nepal. Cool glasses!
Some of the biggest blessings I’ve had this weekend are: getting to hear TJ and Madeline speak at the Ladies Retreat. What an incredible blessing! You would have been so proud of both of them, Jenn. Another wonderful blessing was reading on your previous blog about the Hindu lady wanting to talk to a pastor about accepting Christ as her Savior. I have been praying that God would allow you to see evidence of some of the fruits of your labor in Nepal. There’s no greater blessing than knowing you were used by God to help lead someone to a saving faith in Jesus. And that’s a blessing for me as well because now I have a new sister in Christ!
Another blessing this weekend was getting to see my precious grandson, Hayden, who told me that I was the “bestest grandma EVER!” How sweet is that!
I’m glad you’ve had a good weekend and that you now have some great new glasses. I hope your bed bug bites heal quickly.
Love you bunches,
You were in Nagarkot!? I thought that view looked familiar! So fun, Jenn. I miss you like crazy!
THe biggest blessing from my week was spending time with the fam in Ga. I had a great time, but we missed you tons. I even beat Granddaddy in Backgommon.Wahoo. I love your glasses. They are totally you and totally speaker glasses. I also love your new korta. You look so royal. And girl. In your team pic you look like you will melt away. Are you eating?
I love you
Just wanted you to know you are on my favorites list and I check your blog regularly. So, there’s little ol me in GA praying and thinking about you all the way around the world. My husband is still a no go on another adoption, but at least something good came out of me researching Nepal. I found someone to pray for! Take care and keep blogging.
Your sister in Christ,
looking forward to a new post when there is power! Love you!