Early birthday celebration
Me and my friend Carolyn, who is an “m” to India.
me and my “dates”. .. hehehe.. I just happened to be sitting between the only two guys in our fellowship. We were laughing because it looked like I was one lucky lady! 😉 They are my good Christian BROTHERS only folks.. don’t get excited!

Me and some of the gals from our fellowship at the Hyatt

Blowing out the NO candles on my little birthday tart! I could not stop laughing !

This was some REAL BEEF which is hard to get in nepal.. and it was YUMMY!

Me and the boys again! I could not stop laughing to take this picture either. I’m suprised they wanted to get this close to me. We have not had water at our house for a week now.. so i was probablly pretty stinky!
Me, Matt, Freda and Katie at the table awaiting our food!

Our whole crew waiting to enjoy our yummy food! 🙂 I have such great friends!

Me and Matt trying to decide what to eat at this fancy restaraunt!
Hey guys. It’s been a great week for me. It’s hilarous because now we are out of water completely at our house and no power.. and now there is a gas shortage again. Someday when I am old and gray if I ever have kids (or even if not) you will here me say: I remember when I lived with no power, water, and such and of course walked uphill both ways in the well.. not snow.. you could probablly say sewage and be accurate here!
So I don’t have much time I just wanted to show some pictures of my birthday meal on thursday night with my friends… (these are the people’s that we fellowship with every sunday night.. well some of them.. the other half were in the mountains doing ministry– we had the meal early in the week because the other folks were about to go to the mountains) I am so blessed to have such an awesome community here. We laugh alot, celebrate alot together.. have a good time seeking God’s face in this crazy place called nepal together. I had a great time at this meal.. we LAUGHED AND LAUGHED.. it’s funny because we are so easily amused by things living in this country– like whew.. look at their clean bathrooms that actually have water in them! After we ate my friends matt and chuck had decided to stay the night at the hyatt for the hot water and electricity (hey one’s got to do what you got to do) so we all went to their room and watched american idol.. then we went back to our home with no power or water. It was so fun to watch. Actually we try to watch somewhere together every week (wherever we can find power really). It helps us feel somehow connected to an aspect of america.. so we had a great time. Now I’m going to look online and see who gets cut.. that’s the thing about not watching it live (it coems on the day after america on an indian channel).
So anyways– just thought you might like to see some pictures. Sorry this is not really an inspiring or funny post.. just a here’s my life. I will write something inspiriting someday maybe 🙂
love you guys
I love love the pics. Don’t lie. You know you have the guys falling at your feet:) I was so excited to get to talk to you today. Happy almost birthday!
Het girl! I’m sorry I guess I missed your birthday, since it’s today in Nepal and tomorrow in AMERICA! I really miss you lots, and love you even more. Hope you get your package soon.
Happy Birthday pretty girl! Well, hope you had a wonderful birthday since like TJ pointed out, it’s over there… 🙂 Love you!! and I love the pics… you look beautiful!!
Jenn, I love when you share about fun things you’ve done and about times when you are enjoying the “finer things of life” in Nepal. It makes me happy when you are happy and when people are celebrating the special joy of knowing Jenn!
I hope you had a great birthday.
Happy Belated Birthday!!! From Lauren (Bridges) Ragland