Just some photos for you
Me in my cute apron that Leanne sent me! love it!
Singing by candlelight.. it just happens around here.. power is a thing of my past life!

I look like a cheese wad.. my beautiful friend jessica.. I was trying to look as cool as her in our self portrait tries.. she also looks beautiful and just right.. I look like a beautiful cheese wad I guess!
Me and some of my dearest friends at our valentines dinner! WE had a great time eating our calzones with real pepperoni and cheese!

Me and Nista with our friend Ruth from the village. We sat around and talked and laughed for about 3 hours.. it was wonderful!
I love your Valentine’s Day pictures. I took pictures and a video of Alex’s dedication, and your mama put them on her computer so she could send them to you. It was neat to hear your voice yesterday. I wish we could have talked to you. I’ve tried to catch you on Skype, but haven’t been able to yet. Maybe soon! I love you, sweet girl! Hugs and kisses, Aunt Brenda
I love your Valentine’s Day pictures. I took pictures and a video of Alex’s dedication, and your mama put them on her computer so she could send them to you. It was neat to hear your voice yesterday. I wish we could have talked to you. I’ve tried to catch you on Skype, but haven’t been able to yet. Maybe soon! I love you, sweet girl! Hugs and kisses, Aunt Brenda
I am soooo excited to see your pictures!!! You don’t know how wonderful it is to be able to see something as simple as an apron in your pictures. As I walked around the store that day I just kept “prayer shopping” I guess you could say and aksing the Lord to please allow those things to arrive to you in one peice and before v-day. It is so amazing to be just a small thread in your Nepal life! Love ya sister!
hey sis, I love your pictures! You look so beautiful, I love your apron 🙂 I miss u tons! Hope I can talk to you soon. Love u! I am praying for you always, and can’t wait to share what God shows me this weekend 🙂
i just wanted that you see i know how much i miss you and leah, i see your picture in my room everyday, but looking at these pictures made me realize how much i miss Maya and Nista!!! tell them both hi from me!
oh and i love nistas top! i think next time i come to nepal i am getting one made! : )
love you jenn! i hope your having an amazing week! i think of you guys everytime someone complanes about the power or no internet that they didn’t have for like 15min : ) you guys are kinda my heros. haha
i have the most beautiful sis in the whole world. ilove these pics so much!I’m so glad you got to see part of the dedication. I’m going to pics on and email you when I get home tonight.
love you