It was a wonderful Christmas time! :-)
Me and leah and Jess taking a break from cleaning up after the yummy christmas meal for a photo..
Cleaning the kitchen is soo much more fun when you do it like this. We were dancing and singing to feliz navidad.. in just a few minutes after this picture I got out the potatoe masher and my other friends joined us with tongs and another broom. you guys should try it. (christmast day!)
our christmas feast. We 20somethings do well to make everything from scatch with no mamas or grandmas around huh?

We were having WAY to much fun decorating leah’s gorgous christmas tree cake on christmas day.
our fellowship gropu on christmas morning with our stockings.. santa came to visit us in nepal even!! we were not naughty– we must have been nice.

I made my families traditional monkey bread and sausage balls for christmas morning breakfast for all of us. THis is us after eating!
Me and leah and my friend jessica… at the hyatt .. great times! (christmas eve night)

These are all my amazing bible study friends. Christmas eve dinner at the hyatt
This is us in front of the beautiful christmas eve dinner at the hyatt hotel in kathmandu. We NEVER dress up (note I did not have anything acutally but jeans to wear.. but hey i did take a shower) so it was fun to see how we all looked doodied up. This is the fellowship group i get together with every sunday. They are SUCH a blessing to me. Like a true community. (christmas eve)

This is our group all doodied up. We cleaned up nice. We were actually all suprsied. It was funny. You should have heard us.. wow.. not used to seeing eachother doodied up and somewhere nice. We tried to pretend like we were grown ups.
Me and my two “dates” for the Christmas eve meal that we went to at the five star hotel, the hyatt. They agreed to be my date and pay for me after finding out I was not eating.. hehehe. I had thrown up all night before so I was unable to eat, but still had a GREAT time. It was so nice to dress up and celebrate with friends. (christmas eve)

Me and my amazing accountability partner Betsy with the sorof creepy santa that kept showing up at our christmas eve meal. (christmas eve)
Me and some of the oprhan girls plus mican and shresthi.. (christmas celebration day 2)
Me and one of our orphan girls paru at the christmas party. It’s amazing how excited they get about little things like Shampoo (christmas celebration day 2)
This is shyam and the orphan kids praying at our christmas party (christmas celebrating day 2)
This was an action shot of us eating our first christmas meal with our team .. Christmas celebration numbver one.. don’t be decieved.. we were in the dark. This was before the candle caught the wall on fire!

We were listening to margie tella christmas story.. It was very fun! (christmas celebration number one!)
thought you guys might like some pictures of my christmas. Sorry they are kind of in a weird order. Really you could stop from the bottom and go to the top for correct chronological order.. but oh well. enjoy
Jenn, the pictures are amazing. Merry Christmas. Thank you for sharing the pictures with us. We hope to see you before long.
Jenn i love the pictures. especially the ones of the orphanage kids! i miss them more then words can express.
creepy santa looks well…creepy! haha and that is why i miss nepal.
tell everyone hi and merry christmas from here in cali. : )
you all are in my prayers daily!
Jenn! Hope you had a wonderfuly fabulous Christmas! So, my heart definitly skipped a beat when I was going through your pictures. I know one of the girls! Wendy Hunter… precious as can be. We went to the same church in Couer d’Alene, ID when I was living out in Washington. WHAT ARE THE ODDS! When you see her again, please give her a hug from me! Be safe and know that I am praying/thinking of you often.
Loved, Loved the pics! You look greaet all cleaned up! ha! We miss you and I am so glad that you had a good Christmas. I love the picture of the orphange children praying! I am so thankful that you got our package and that the cokes made it without exploding! ha! love you, Mama Ellis
Hey sweet friend! I’m so glad to get to see how you spent your Christmas! I got to spend some time with Michelle yesterday and see little man. We missed you!
We’ve got to figure out something for a skype date soon. I feel like we haven’t talked in AGES! I love you!
I am loving the pics. I would have been singing in the kitchen witht he best of them. I will have to do my own solo I guess. I love you!
Hey Jenn, I was just looking at your messages, and I saw there wasn’t one on there from me. I thought I had left one, but if so it isn’t there! Anyway, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the pictures and reading about your Christmas. I sounded wonderful, and I loved the pictures! I got a new camera for Christmas so I will try to send you some pictures. We will miss you very much Thursday when we get together for the Hogg Christmas! We love you so much and can’t wait for you to come home. Love, Aunt Brenda
Hey Jenn, Aunt Brenda again. I just wanted to tell you I made a blog for myself. The blog address is
I name it that because Emma named the hill behind our house “Punkin Hill”! I’m going to try to put some pictures on there that I take Thursday! I wrote y’all a poem on there too. You’ll have to check it out!
Jenn, I love your pictures!!! The singing brings back very happy memories of us laughing and falling in the floor at Thanksgiving and all the other get togethers. We miss you so so much!!! I sent you a package and hope you get it soon. We have a new computer and hopefully will have faster internet service soon so maybe just maybe we can get a webcam so that we can talk to you. Josh and Caleb had a wonderful Christmas!!! They got a Wii so we are having great family fun! Love you so very much!!!
I love you Jennifer. I got our arrangements taken care of at Whitestone. We will be going March 20th. The lady I talked to was so nice. She gave us a two bedroom cabin like place for a great price. She said they would be emailing you soon. Pray for your Mommy on Thursday around 10:30am when I go for my knee surgery. It should be a piece of cake after knee replacement last time. Aunt Brenda is having carpal tunnel surgery on Wednesday. We love you and miss getting to talk to you on Skype since you have so little electricity. Love you!
thanks for sharing your christmas with me sister! Love the pictures & the stories… you make my day 🙂