This is us looking afraid under the sign on the tree that said beware of crows, this is their nesting season, they will try to attack your head, maybe you should wear a hat! isn’t that hilarious!

me and my boyfriend “cai” sporting our american flags .. although he calls me aunt Jenn so i guess calling him my boyfriend is scandelous huh? He belongs to my good friends matt and ashley– and I love to hear him say Jennnnn… he always draws out the nnn part!

me, hannah and my friend sarahbeth had our faces painted with the american flag

I wasn’t trying to look like a movie star in my glasses i promise!

ok don’t know why I put two of these on here or how.. but I can’t figure out how to get it off so you can look at two pictures of my happy face with dr. pepper and icecream cones! (first dr. pepper in 11 months)
So I wanted to post some photos from the fourth of july event since my last post talked about how sick I was the beginning of the week so you can know the goodness of God when you see my photo and see that I feel soo much better. I didn’t want you guys to worry!

We had a great time at the fourth of july shindig.. it was hilarious because there were tons of nepalees there in saris to.. most unique fourth of july celebration. But I had a REAL hot dog (I have not had a real hotdog in 11 months.. i chose that over the other food.. how funny is that.. you just take hot dogs for granted in america) , Dr. Pepper and a yummy icecream sandwhich.. and bar-b-que potatoe chips.. i was happy!
ok one more note: our house is so like a crazy zoo! Just as I was typing this I felt the holy spirit (or something) prompt me to go outside and check on our pet goat bagmati. I went out there and bagmati had somehow hung himself by his rope in such a way that he literally had no breath and was choking to death.. i yelled for leah and we quickly cut the rope.. i’m just saying i think i saved my pet goats life.. feels pretty good! Then i look out a minute ago and they were trying to save the rabbit which was being chased by the cat.. it’s a zoo around here!
Wow, Jenn, to have been sick for a whole week, you look great in your pictures! We are more than happy to see your smiling face over and over again. I’m glad you couldn’t take the extra picture off of your blog.
I thought about you so much yesterday. I am so glad you got to have an American 4th of July celebration in Nepal and so happy you got to drink a Dr. Pepper and eat a hot dog. That will probably go down in history as one of your most memorable 4th of July celebrations ever.
Love you bunches,
I love love love these pictures of you! These are all great! It brought the biggest smile to my face! Sounds like a cool 4th! I don’t like hotdogs, but yay for icecream! Your poor goat! I’m glad you saved his life! Thank you for the e-mail! I cannot wait to write you! Praying for you gals. I love that cutie you are holding!
Thank you again for sharing about life in Nepal…to see you and Hannah makes us so happy! Espcially after not hearing from her for that whole week
Blessings to you girls,
Christine Wright (Hannah’s mommy poo pants!)
Jenn! I am super excited that you had a great 4th of July, even over there!!! I’d say it was a good week, conquering the stomach flu, saving Bagmati’s life AND having Ice Cream, A Real Hotdog and D.P.! Isa Kulish Zien (God is GOOD!)
I hope that you have another Great week!
Oh, and your suprise is on the way!
JEnn..Did your lifeguard training come in handy when you saved your poor goats life? Did you say…I’m Jenn, I’m a lifeguard,and I can help?
Just curiuos. Girlie, you are so stinking beautiful. If I didn’t look just like you(except with a big ole baby belly) you would make me so jealous…..I’m so glad you had a wonderful fourth…And enjoyed a hotdog and Dr. Pepper.