bronze godess ;-)
This was a yummy pinanpple drink.. no roxy (alchohal) I promise.. ubt you might think it had it by the smile one my face… really .. it was the fresh mountain air and the green outside, the getting to lay outside by the pool in the sunshine
we were a little bored waiting for our food one night.. so i put our papad (like a nepalee chip) in my mouth

Hey guys. Thanks so much for praying for our mini vacation getaway. We had a glorious time. (Hannah leah and I). We laughed, we ate, we rested, and I met with Jesus. I am so glad that Jesus set the example of going away to a secluded place to pray. I did not realize how much needed some getway time was but it was glorious.
Some of the highlights: Taking my first bath in a bathtub in 11 months.. with hot water.. i almost did die and go to glory I promise.. then i was reminded i was in nepal when the power went out in the middle of my bath.
Playing games and laughign with leah and hannah. I think God is just as much with us in the semmingly “Secular” moments such as when we were playing Phase 10 and I was winning, as the “sacred” moments, when i was sitting under a gazebo in the rain reading God’s word.
Hanging out by the pool.. it was glorious weather.. we would just lay by the pool, when we got hot jump in.. we were literaly the only white people there. One of my favorite things someone said to me ever… a lady came up to me in the lockeroom and said, did the pool water turn your skin white? how did you get that color.. i want that! hehehe. all I knew to do was laugh and say God made me this way from birth. Obviously the bronze goddess look I was going for did not work out so well!
did in mentio nthere were green trees there, green grass.. clean air!!
God spoke to my heart in so many ways– especially as I remember all that he has done in the past 11 months.. I am sure in future blogs I will share more what he revealed to me.
We paid 20 dollars for them to fill up a jacuzzi for us (hehehe.. only in nepal where there is a water shortage would you have to do that) it was awesome.. 2 1/2 hours of bliss!
I will post some more pictures later.. i thought you might enjoy these. Thanks for praying for our time.. it was glorious.
Be praying for leah and hannah. They left today for western nepal to do some ministry for a week…. the area they are going is very unreached with the gospel so be sure to lift them up ( i could not go because i am teaching at the bible college)
Do something this week to get away with and come alive in the presence of the lord– remmeber he’s in that sacred moment with you and the secular.
If you get bored being a *m*, you could always be a bathing suit model. Seriously. YOu just look so great. But I hate to tell you, in those pics your skin looked more red than bronze:) but I am sure it turned a glorious shade of bronze. I’m so glad you had a great time, and even more glad I got to talk to you on the phone
Jenn: Wow! You look so refreshed and happy! You look beautiful! You would never know that last week you were sick 4 me!!! I am soooo very sorry that you were so sick but to look at you now is like WOW! I could only hope that my sickness would make me look as beautiful as you do! I am so thankful that you were able to get away for the week end. It is amazing what a little vacation can do for a person and especially when you spend that time with God. Thanks again for your prayers for me and for your postings on my webpage. I read all my messages and they are so encouraging even when they are spoken in Nepalee. Ha!
Thank anonymous message above is from Mamma Ellis
I am thrilled beyond words that God provided you with such an incredible mini vacation. The pictures are proof positive that goodness and mercy followed you to the mountains and completely overtook you! You have always had a great smile, but I’ve never seen it shine more brightly than it is in these photos. It makes me so happy to know that you had such a wonderful time with Jesus and with your friends. God always knows what we need exactly when we need it.
Praising God for His goodness,
I am sorry I have not posted before now! Wow I was thrilled to see how God has poured his love out on you! Those pics are the Jenn I’ve hung out with so many times! I know you needed a gateway with Papa and the girls! I’m so glad you got time with him. I’m glad he answered our request to bless you. I have stuff to send you in a package I hope soon! Talking to Papa about you, hannah and Leah! Michelle’s shower is Sat, I’ll e-mail you soon! Thank you for posting on mom’s page. I love you! -Teej
For the record: I think winning at Phase 10 is sacred. Maybe that’s just my personal opinion!
It really is great to see your face so refreshed and relaxed. I’m so glad for you!
I love you a ton!
HAHAHAHAHA! You sound like you were as excited as I was to see green! When we came back, I was jsut about ready to hug a tree (didnt, though 🙂 I am so GLAD that you had a great time, I was really praying for that! AND i hope that you have another awesome week!