The darkness of Hinduism.

A girl worshipping an idol at the Hindu temple.

one of my favorite nepalee foods to eat, c-momo’s. Looks gross huh. But they are yummy I promise!

Nathan and his new wife Sarah and Leah and I enjoying getting to finally be together as a team even if it is for only a short time. Nathan and Sarah brought a team of 8 students to Nepal to go on a 2 week treking evangelism trip.

Me and Leah and Hannah at the top of the temple where we climbed all the steps (see middle picture) it’s a beautiful view of the Kathmandu valley.

This is a picture of me and Hannah (our new shorttermer) and another girl that came with Nathan and Sarah’s team. I was happy to stop and take that picture. We were visiting a temple where you have to climb 365 steps to get to the top. Aren’t you glad that God doesn’t require us to require 365 steps everytime we want to worship Him? I know I sure am. And I know at the moment I was very very glad to stop and take a picture break.

This is a picture of me and our new short termer Hannah at my favorite restraunt in town run by an awesome australian couple called the Red Dingo. When we eat there I forget I am in nepal. And no the bottle on the table is not a wine bottle– it’s what they put the water in to look fancy i guess. Hannah is a great girl and we are really excited to have her. Also note how tan my arms look in this picture.. i’m sure that’s a bit decieving .. maybe it’s the lightening.. but I like it. It’s hilarious because nepalees all want to have white skin and of course all white people want to have dark skin so nepalees walk around with their umbrellas in the sun and we say bring it on (of course I put on sunscreen though dad)
I pute these pictures on so you could see some of what I have done this week. I was reminded this week from the group of college students that were here (they are awesome by the way I have had a blast with them) again of Nepal’s darkness through new eyes. It’s easy to become so used to seeing the idols that they do not break my heart like they did before. It is easy to forget that what is normal for me is not really normal at all. It’s been great to see Nepal through new eyes. It was a great time. We have taken them around, and then one night we had a momo party at the Bible college and played volleyball. We had a blast. I love playing volleyball.. even though I have no skill it sure is fun (the only way I can get the ball across is by making a loud noise like a banchee to.. it’s hilarious) And tonight was ladies bible study– it went really well. I praise God these ladies keep coming.. and God keeps speaking!
Jenn, I am Hannah’s mom. Hannah has a “Nepal blog”, but she has yet to post on it! So, we have enjoyed reading yours. Thank you for the pictures of Hannah. Thank you again for having her and ‘walking along side her’.
In Him,
Christine Wright
Jenn: The pictures are great! Thank you for sharing them with all of us! I’m not so sure about those c-momo’s! I sure would lose a lot of weight if I lived in Nepal and that was the only good thing they had to eat. Ha! You look wonderful and I think I would like Red Dingo’s. It looks like a cool place to hang out. I spoke to your Dad a few minutes ago and he is a very wonderful Godly man that loves the Lord as you already know. He is a great encourager. Now, TJ told me that she informed you of me! Thanks for your prayer and you just keep on praying. Mumzie did great with her surgery. God is always in control. Hope you have a great week! We are praying for you, Leah, and Hannah. Mama Ellis
I recognize some of those places! I’m glad things are going well. I always enjoyed it when new people came. It reminded me of why I was there and that compared to them I really had learned a lot!!
Jenn. I make the same noise when I play volleyball. So it must run in the family. Maybe we should form a team and go to the olympics. we could scare them off with our noises. Eric and Jon smeltzer used to call it the tomahawk chop:)
Hey Jenn,
I love the pictures of you and Hannah! Thank you for keeping us updated. I am in bed, with Mumzie’s loptop, beacuse I’ve had a migraine. WE are prayin 4 you.