these legs were made for walking– :-)
me and some of the orphan girls making sugar cookies at our slumberparty
just thought you might like to see what the trash often looks like around these parts.. right now the few trashman there are are on strike.. ke garne.. what to do..

Jaymasee.. TJ you are right, I am long overdue in my blog updating for this week. I am so sorry about that to all my favorite readers. One of my friends came in that had lived in nepal to visit so we have been busy catching up and spending time together with leah and hannah. It has been an incredible blessing to have her here. She lived in a nepal for a year. She was the first person to come visit me at my house when I lived her, and it was such a blessing because I remember that day wondering if I would ever make friends and she showed up for a visit. We shared a ham sandwhich and became fast friends. It has been really neat to have her here because she only knew me and my ministry from when I first got here, she left for america a month after I got here .. so now she gets to see the ministry that God has given me and the ability to speak the language that God has given me.. so it’s been awesome to be able to celebrate together what God has done. It reminds me that I have almost been here one year.. Wow. It feels like just yesterday that I said goodbye to everything I knew and loved. What a faithful God I have served.. When I am reminded of his faithfulness.. He helped me when I never thought I would be able to communicate in this language.. He gave me a completely different ministry then I would have expected but I have loved. He has taught me that He is big that I don’t have to be. He took my expectations of what a mis*s*onary should be like and showed me His expectations instead.. He taught me how to fail and that be ok.. He gave me incredible friends.. He he has sustained me through being far away from my family.. He has shown me His grace and his favor like I have never known, He has loved me unconditionally, and He has changed my heart. Wow. What an awesome God I serve.. ok.. sorry I didn’t mean to go into all that.. it just happened.. I got to preaching! Thank you so much for walking this journey with me.. for praying for me, for doing spiritual battle for me.. for loving me and sharing that love through e-mails, packages, letters ect.
In other news..: today is my dad’s birthday. Happy Birthday Daddy. .. deri rhomro janma din (happy birthday in nepalee) I am so glad that you were born because that means that God gave me the BEST daddy in the whole world. Thank you for teaching me what it means to be a princess of the king. I love you and I am sorry that I canot be there for your big birthday party– but just know that I am there in my heart (cheesy or what)
So you may wonder about the title of this blog. This week has been a bit more laid back then others because well there has been a week long strike. No transportation.. and my scooter is out of petrol.. and there is no petrol available.. so these legs were made for walking all over kathamandu. I am not sure what this bundah (strike) has been about, but I have been very excited because it means that my friend that came to stay here had to stay for the week because the place where she is staying is to far to walk 🙂 Also, we went on our scooters to our language class for our visas (which so far has been quite the joke) We got there and because of the strike no teacher.. which means no class for the week. I guess it’s like a snow day in america.
So this week I started teaching my new class at the bible college. I am teaching the freshman girls Spiritual disciplines. I am very excited about teaching the class. We have about 16 new girls which is the most we have ever had.. praise the lord. It was hysterical because I went to teach on tuesday and because of the strike no translator came for me.. so I had class but the students still left the class not knowing what class I was teaching because well I don’t know the word for
spiritual disciplines in nepalee.. 🙂
This post is turning really random.. but in other news.. I just cooked pumpkin leaves for dinner. Who knew you could eat the curly cue pumpkin leaves that go with pumpkin.. my friend did and she gave me some. You have to string them like stringing celery kindof (not the best part of the process), put them in butter and garlic… and wow.. they are yummy. Who knew? I sure have learned some random things about food here.
Hey Jenn,
I read the strike is in protest to the high fuel prices.
Wow. So many things going through my head right now.
1) When walking in Nepal, please watch out for the hidden gutters. Particularly the one in front of the Bakery Cafe.
2) Remember when Jimmy did that BSU retreat and we spent the weekend studying the spiritual disciplines? Good stuff! Are you using the same book?
3)I wish I could be there with you right now.
Love you!
Love the pics and I love the recap of your jouney in Nepal! Your dad and Uncle and his friend Mr Mike built me a ramp today Katybug too! It is great! I’m so blessed! I’ll email you soon! I love you!
Praying for you and Leah and Hannah!
What an amazing journey you’ve had so far and what amazing things God has done in your life! And true to His generous nature, He has multiplied His blessings by teaching us so much through these blogs and through your Bible study. Thank you for letting us share in your ministry and for being so open and honest about the spiritual truths God has revealed to you through the things you’ve experienced in Nepal.
The fact that you can have an abundance of joy while being in a country that has trash piled up on the sidewalk (whew, I bet that smells bad!), and an extreme shortage of gas, water and electricity is a testimony of God’s faithfulness and His grace.
You amaze and inspire me.
Love you bunches,
Jenn: I sure hope you discover the Nepalee word for disciplines! It might be difficult to teach that subject without knowing how to say it. Ha! I want you to know that I loved the pictures. The children are so so very sweet! I think it is so great that you had a slumberparty for the little girls. I had a great time this morning! Your Dad, Kevin (Laura’s Husband) and Katybug showed up at my door at 8:00am sharp. Then Mike showed up and they got right to work. We have a new nice ramp built for TJ. It was wonderful. We all had prayer together before TJ was even awake and then we prayed again before they left at noon. Mumzie made your Dad a peanut butter Cake to take home with him for his birthday party tonight! He is so proud of you! He just talked about you this morning with that wonderful smile on his face! Thanks again for your sweet messages that you have left for me and most of all those wonderful prayers for me. Love ya! Mama Ellis
Just curious… does an abominable snowman happen to be in Nepal. Is that the same one that used to be on Rudolph, one of our fav Christmas movies? If so, can you get his autograph for me. I miss you so much. I hope we can talk soon…I need a good JEnn chat, where we both drink coffee together.
I was checking your website to see if you had updated your blog, and I was looking over the pictures you had included in your last posting. I just noticed that Leah had her finger in the Abominable Snowman’s nose! How funny! I just wanted her to know that someone noticed what she did and thought it was very cute (kinda gross, but cute none the less.)
Love you,
Hi Jean,
Hi Jean I felt very sorry for you. I knew that you r sick again. Isn’t it because of Bagmati haha.. that’s a joke please don’t kill Bagmati huncha. Well I m praying for you and Jean as well. Get well soon. God bless you.