let me introduce you to — our new pet!!

So I feel like you guys are apart of my life here. So I wanted to be sure and introduce you to the newest member of my life her. I will preface this by saying that I always begged my parents for a pet growing up– you can ask my dad next time you see him about the dog that we gave him! That’s a story for another day– but anyways.. I always wanted a pet. Well I offically have my own first pet now… you will never guess what it is! A goat. Yup.. we had joked that we were going to celebrate our visas by getting a baby goat, keeping it until it got big, then killing it and eating goat curry (yummy!) so our team leader (who also lives on the third flat in our house) found us a goat– so we officially got one this morning. It’s so cute. We named it bagmati after the stinkiest river in nepal! I got to feed it milk in a bottle this morning– and it is suprisingly cuddly for a goat.. who would think a goat would be cuddly– it is.. and it likes attention– whenever we aren’t around paying attention to it it cries like a baby! so no officially we have our own goat, then paula and shyams family have a chicken and a rooster, three bunnies, one cat, one dog and we have a dog we dog sit for. Wow.. it sounds like a farm.. do we have a big yard– nope.. but we have lots of fun animals! now i am kindof falling for the goat so i am not sure about the whole curried goat thing!

in other news.. it’s been quite teh adventure around here because we have not had water for about a week really. It’s close to monsoon starting tme, so the farmers apparently cut teh water lines to wate their rice fields.. we dont get that much city water.. but normally it’s not that big a deal because when we run out of city water we call in a water truck. But the water trucks have been on strike due to lack of petrol.. and now they can’t get down our road becaue they are doing road construction adn have huge HUGE ditches in our road ( and don’t complain about construction on 1-75.. construction here is done by men with pick axes and takes a long time!) so anyways– no water. It makes for adventure and resourcefulness. I didn’t realize how much we take water for granted until this week. We use water for everything. I appreciate now more then ever that Jesus is the LIVING WATER… and that He promises one sip of His living water and we will never thirst again.
We get resourceful around here. This morning leah and hannah went to a nearby gym to use the pool just so they could shower. the day before i went to the hair salon just so i could have my hair shampooed.. hehehe.. and when it was raining we ran outside with buckets so we could have some water to flush the toilets– you got to get creative around here….

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  1. Jenn,

    I can just see you all with a baby goat. I do take so much for granted. Post a pic of your cudly goat if you can. I loved talking to you the other night. Love you!

  2. First of all, there is no way that Bagmati is going to turn into dinner. You’re going to fall in love with him and wouldn’t dream of eating him.

    Second of all, it sounds like your house is a petting zoo! You should start charging the neighborhood kids to come play. You could barter with them. They bring you a bucket of water and get to pet the goat and chase the chicken.

  3. Honey, you have more animals than we do and we live on a farm! You are amazing the things that you do! We love you and miss you! Post a picture of little Bagmati for us so that we can see him. Love you!!!

  4. That’s awesome! I can just see you with the buckets for toilet water!! I will have to tell Jill & Amy about the goat. That’s funny. Our neighbors in Nepal would have pets one day but then the next they wouldn’t. Either they didn’t like them any more or they would die. Have fun with the goat!

  5. Hey Jenn,

    I feel bad for little Bagmati. Why is your new cuddly friend named after the stinkiest river in Nepal? Does he smell bad? I doubt very seriously that this new pet will ever become a dish at your table. If that does happen, please don’t post it on your blog because that would make me really sad. If you can’t tell, I’m a huge animal lover. I don’t mean to say that I’m a member of Peta, but I could never eat an animal I had raised as a pet.

    Please post a picture of your new “baby” so we can all ooh and ah over him or her. Which is it?

    Every time I take a shower, I thank God for the blessing of this convenience. Thank you for reminding us to be grateful for all the things we take for granted in this country.

    Love you bunches,

  6. Ok, so I’ve tagged you in a little game. 🙂 You don’t have to play, but it could be fun for everyone if you decide to. Check out my blog for the details.

    Love you!