goat pictures and more!!
Hannah, Leah and I called ourselves the “m’s” in black that night.. I think we looked really good after having been through a rain storm.

I wanted to share a few pictures for you guys. I hope that you enjoy them.. (and that our computer downloads them fast enough to show them.) all is well here.. crazy busy with the team that has been here (have had a great time with them) and our short termer hannah and now a new short term guy with another company because his supervisor broke his leg and had to go to thailand for surgury. So please pray for nick, our new shortermer and that God will give me wisdom on what ministry oppertunities for him to be involved in. Some of the things I have done this week in random order 1) started language school for my visa 2) had all the girls over for a sleepover from the team 3) Had a sleepover for the girls from the oprhanage 4) had about 15 people over for fellowship on Sunday 5)went to nathan and sarah’s nepalee wedding and other things. It’s been a great week. hehehe.. I was laughing at one of the previous comments on my blog about most of what I do is hang out with people, cook and eat. That is defionatly true!! 🙂 Who knew hospitality would be my main ministry here in nepal.
Please pray for patience in us with the water problem. I can deal with no electricity– but no water is quite the problem. I didn’t realize what a blessing it was to be able to turn on the faucet and water actually come out. … you need water for everything… so pray for us to have good attitutdes as even flushing the toilet is impossible– so we have to get buckets of water from the rain and pour it in the toilet…. little house on the prarie like. and there looks like no water for a while– because the water truck cannot get up our road because the road is closed due to construction… ke garne.. (what to do)
Please pray for patience in us with the water problem. I can deal with no electricity– but no water is quite the problem. I didn’t realize what a blessing it was to be able to turn on the faucet and water actually come out. … you need water for everything… so pray for us to have good attitutdes as even flushing the toilet is impossible– so we have to get buckets of water from the rain and pour it in the toilet…. little house on the prarie like. and there looks like no water for a while– because the water truck cannot get up our road because the road is closed due to construction… ke garne.. (what to do)
You have the most adorable “kid” ever. Alex will have to work hard to be the cutest kid in the fam:).. love seeing pics of you. you are beautiful as usual. I love you
I love your pet! The pics are great! You look great without a shower. We will be praq*** about your lack of h20! Sorry I haven’t e-mailed its been crazy, I will try soon.
Cute pictures! Wow! Your road is a wreck, but it’ll be nice when it is finished! Have a great day!
Jenn, thank you for letting us ‘see’ Hannah through your pictures. It helps us to feel connected to her to read your blogs!
Hannah’s mom, Christine