Mexican birthday suprise and more :-)

Well.. I am not easily suprised. And well last night I was by my teammates. We usually have fellowship with our team on monday nights to just try to pray together and have fellowship and such… so I knew that was going to happen at our house last night. It got to be close to 6:00 and I realized that there was no food in our house to eat and that Casey needed food to take her medicine.. so leah was gone so I told casey I would hop on the scooter and go get some momo’s for us. I thought casey was acting a bit strange.. but she just kept saying wait on leah. So I said ok we will wait on leah! then in walks all my teammates and upstairs housemates and they all had food and we had a suprise mexican food birthday party, complete with brownies and icecream made by one of my precious nepalee friends who works at a bakery! I was soo suprised. I thought it was hilarous to because well keep in mind all of us were bed ridden last week with some sort of parasite or another last week so I thought it was hilarous that we were all sooooo excited to have mexican. And let me tell you mexican homemade nepal style is better then any restraunt.. i was soo thrilled and it was a great time! (i must be feeiling better for sure because I have eaten mexican two days in a row now! 🙂

So poor casey fell on friday and hurt her ankle and has spent her time on my coach.. i feel bad she had to come at the time when satan was attacking our team and well she got in on it. Today we are going to take a trip by car and spend the night at a place in the mountains so pray for a pretty view for her since all she has been looking at is our coach!

so this week there is a war going on in the heavinlies. Friday is good friday right. It also happens to be a Hindu holiday called Holi where they throw colored dye filled water ballons at people. I know it does not take God by suprpise that those holidays occus on the same day. Would you please pray for us that we can shine the light of Christ extra this week so that people can see the glory of Easter on our faces, not the colored dye from water ballons thrown on a hindu holiday!

Casey brought such an encouraging message to our house fellowship on Sunday night. She talked about first Jonah and how the gods of the sailors on the ships were very polytheistic. She then talked about King neb. He was soo like the Nepalee people here. HE even saw the faith of Daniel and the fiery furnace guys ( I have no desire to spell their names) and each time he said well your God is great.. but still didn’t make him His God.. until that one time his dream came true and he started to eat grass like a cow (maybe that would make anyone think I hope) then He glorified the one true God. IT was so encouraging because as Casey pointed out.. God used Daniel and his faith, and the fiery furnace dudes… but it wasnot that led this polythestic thinking king to God.. it was the pursuit of God. How encouraging!! praise Jesus!!!! I just live out my faith and then God pursues the polythestic many god worshipping people around me!

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  1. Jenn,

    I’m so happy that you had such a wonderful surprise birthday party and that you are feeling better. I am praying that your trip to the mountains will be a time of rejuvenation and encouragement. I’m praying that God will strengthen you and put a hedge of protection around your entire team during this Hindu holiday. (What a weird way to celebrate – throwing dye-filled water balloons?)

    None of these celebrations to false gods can dampen the resurrection power of our risen Lord that resides in you and shines through you.

    Love you bunches,

  2. Dear Jenn,
    I met you through your sister on Beth Moore’s website? Isn’t God amazing, to put you on my heart in such a round about way. I read your blogspot and fell in love with you in a motherly way! You dear girl have someone new to pray for you and Casey and all the rest of the team. You are truley on the front lines beloved no wonder you are under attack. Happy Birthday to you and to Michelle, may you both inherit the dew of heaven. Shalom

  3. Jenn,
    I am so glad that you had a great birthday!!! Read ing what you wrote on here about your mom, dad & Michelle had me crying. You are so special! God has given you a special gift to be the person you are. I love you so very much and miss talking to you and seeing you. If we ever get DSL I am going to get a webcam so that I can talk to you. We have gotten Granddaddy’s house all fixed up, but he is still waiting on water so he is still at Aunt Brenda’s. He wants to move in so badly. Tell Casey that I am praying her foot gets better. I will be praying for your trip up to the mountains. We love you so very much!!! Love, Aunt Laura

  4. I know it is a Hindu holiday, but I must say…..Icould have some fun throwing colored waterballoons at people….hehhe. Iguess that isn’t very spiritual. I’m sure that is why you are the missionary and not me. I love you my sis! I’m so glad you had a suprise birthday party. So you celebrated before me, and after me again. hehhe.