Happy Easter
Happy Easter! Wow.. This has been an incredible Easter here in Nepal. I feel like I am bursting inside with things to share.. with sweet things the Lord is doing and showing me.. with the joy found in easter admist the sorrow found in Good Friday! We SERVE a RESURRECTED GOD.. did you realize that. Are you living like that? MAHIMA! (ok.. whew.. glory i just started a sermon i think!)
Where to start? I think I will start with thanking you for your prayers for Casey and I’s trip to the mountains. God was soo good to us. I cannot tell you how that little one night getaway seemed like a month vacation for me, and how God stunned me with the display of his handiwork! Casey and I got there and I must say I was really disappointed because you could not see a thing. I was frustrated I must admit with God.. like.. umm.. God don’t you realize that Casey came all the way to nepal and she has been sitting on our couch for three days because she hurt her ankle..and well God couldn’t you at least show her something pretty! ok… so not the most spiritual thoughts huh! So I was disappointed.. but we were sittng outside and let me say God displayed his glory as the most beautiful thunderstorm I have ever seen rolled through right in front of us. (so close in fact I am pretty sure that I have never repented of that many sins so quickly in my life ) I had my expectations.. God has his higher ways. Then the next morning we got up to the most gorgeous sunrise with the himilayan mountains displayed in ALL of God’s glory right before our eyes. It was stunning. I had my expectations– God had his HIGHER ways! And God spoke to me in my quiet time.. he said.. you know Jenn so many times you get disappointed when you have your own expectations. But if you would just get all of your HOPE all of your expectations from me you will never be disappointed because EVERY good and perfect gift comes down from me.. .Isian 26:3 -4 trust in me at all times for I am an everlasting rock!! Also another thing God has been teaching me lately. I have been studying Believing God by Beth Moore. One of her questions I just can’t get out of my mind… it was question 18, It said I _______________ pray generic prayers because I am afraid to be disappointed by God… a) rarely b)sometimes c) most of the time d) all of the time… I can’t get this little question 18 out of my mind. Am I praying generic prayers because I am not believing God… hmmm……
ok.. so about easter! Wow. I am soo excited about the story of Easter this year. You know why. It is easy to forget the power when I am living in the Bible belt of TN sadly. But here the contrast of the power of the Easter story has impacted my heart more then ever! I see people in bondage to worshipping hindu idols and hoping they will listen to them all day every day everywhere..literally. In fact on Friday we could not leave our house because of the Hindu holiday Holi where people just throw colored water ballons at each other and red dye all day worshipping Hindu gods. I was so struck on Friday night as we watched the Passion of the Christ in Nepalee at our church and all the unsaved neighbors came to watch the glory and the freedom found in good friday and easter sunday. The gods that my dear friends are praying to will never answer back, will never pay their life as random for the worshipper, will never raise again.. will never offer life to the lifeless, hope to the hopeless, joy for the joyless. Jesus came for abundant life! We had an incredible time watching the passion and then all the christians in our chuch stayed and we had an awesome prayer meeting. In the middle of the prayer meeting the lights went out (it was time for our 5 horus in the evening with no power) and I could just feel the power of God as we sang praises to him in the dark. The disciples probablly didn’t want to sing praises to God in the darkness of Good Friday– but oh the joy on Easter Sunday!
ok I have to interrupt the seriousness of this post and say I love how crazy my life is. I just had to stop typing my blog because I heard the rooster crowing and cawing (or whatever sound they make) alot outside. We just got these to make eggs for us and I was afraid the dog would eat them.. hehhe.. so I had to interrupt this blog to go chase literally the rooster ( I can’t say i’ve done this before) then while I am in hysterical peals of laughter I caught the thing and had to put it back in it’s little basket. It was soo funny. Imagine me trying to catch a big old rooster… and then hold it.. i thought about just cutting it’s neck off right then and making chicken soup!
ok.. back to the serious post if you have recovered from that mental picture. So the Good friday service was incredible. Then today (we meet for church on Saturday’s in nepal) it was so awesome because before the service they baptized 17 people before the service. This is a huge deal in nepal. Baptism means they are really proclaiming they are saved.. and this is huge in a hindu country. It means most of them will be rejected by their family and friends… in ways that you and I could not even imagine. But oh the smiles on those faces. 2 of the boys baptized were boys from our orphanage. 1 was a husband of a lady in my bible study whom we had been praying for her husbands salvation since Bible study started.. another was the joyful face of a man who had only been a Christian for 3 weeks. These people took the BIG leap.. they chose today to seperate themselves from those in a country who worship literally billions of gods… idols….. dead things.. and they chose to proclaim the day before easter they believed in the risen lord. Glory. Then we had an incredible service. Church was packed and we had a baby dedication, a sermon, and the Lord’s supper. I was just in tears as I realized the weight of the glory of the gospel. I realized it so much more here.. admist the brokeness of a nation in bondage to trying to please millions of gods.
Then after church we hid easter eggs for the oprhans here at our house.. it was soo much to watch and to take part in. Now it is a beautiful evening (thank goodness the winter has thawed and we no longer to waddle around with 6 laywers of clothes on). We are going to have a bonfire (our team) because we still had some marshmellows left (thanks soo much casey) and my team leader went out to get hotdogs.. (nepalee style. scary i must say) so we are going to have us an easter bonfire.. and then tommorow we have another church service, so please pray many non beleivers come (especially pray my language teacher sumon is supposed to come!)
Revel in the glory of the risen christ. I could see it on the faces of the church members I worshipped with today– i could feel it as we sang Jesus is Lord in nepalee… Why look for the living among the dead they angel said. Why do we sometimes act as if we are serving a dead God instead of the living..
ok.. preaching sediyo (finished)
maya garchu ( love you)
“I had my expectations…God had his Higher ways.” Jenn I know that thought comes from Isaiah but to see it written like that allowed it to sink in to my heart. I needed to see that. Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for being genuine.
Glory GLORY Glory Glory! What a post sister! Your post ministered to me as I think so many times I am disapointed because I fail to trust God and his higher ways! I truly think Believing God is better than any other Beth Moore study.
I am praying as I post for your teacher! I am so glad God gave you and Casey a glimpse of his majesty and glory! God does not disapoint thank you for reminding me! I am so excited about Easter! I want to live out a little more of Easter everyday! I got to worship with Todd and Michelle last night, they came to BHBC for the good Friday Service.
I am sorry I haven’t posted in many days, I got a terrible stomach bug on Tues. night. I have new respect for you, after my bug. I’m going to email you and tell you what God has been teaching me.
I miss you but it makes me so excited to see God pouring his grace, love, and truth, on and through you his sweet and beautiful vessel! Happy Easter! I can just see you and that rooster now! Ha! Hugs far and wide!
Love You,
Jenn! Wow! You sound like you are on top of the world. I know you are all the way around the world. Ha! I am so glad that you were able to get away for one night. Just one night can refresh you and let you have a new beginning. Speaking of getting away! I understand that your Mom and Dad were able to go camping for a couple of nights. I’m sure they have had a great get away also!
Michelle and Todd got to come to our Good Friday service at our church last night and we were so glad they came. I think they were as blessed as we were. After church we went to Panera Bread and ate a little and talked a lot. I wonder where in the world the hindi get the tradition of dye in water balloons. We know why we have Easter Eggs. I just can’t imagine why water balloons??? I have sure laughed over the rooster chase! Now, you do know that a rooster will not lay an egg??? I hope you also purchased the hen to go with that rooster. Ha! Ha! I just wanted to praise God to think that your church today baptized 17 people and what that really means in Nepal. God is working in that country and to think 6 months ago I could barely fined Nepal on the map. God Bless you! Love, Momma Ellis
jenn….you..chasing a rooster. it is times like those I wish I was in Nepal to laugh hysterically with you. we would have had a blast…..I”m so glad you had a happy Easter. I’m going to send you an email today because I miss you:)
God is awesome, huh? sounds like He really revealing Himself to you there. He’s amazing.
Brother Todd