ashish (blessings)
Satan thinks he is going to try his hardest to cause God’s servants to cower in fear. But as Daniel said to king neb in Daniel 3:18 (I now know this verse thanks to my good friend casey gann and her having our Bible study girls memorize it!) We have no need to answer you in this matter o Neb, but if it be so, the God whom we serve is able to deliever us out of the fiery burning furnace and he will deliever us out of your hand. But if it not be, let it be known O king, that we will not serve your idols or bow down to the golden image which you have set before us.
Mahima. I am standing in that same kind of faith because I am serving that same kind of God!
I love it.. in these past few days I have been reading through my old tried and true bible that I got when I was a youth intern and just reading the highlighted parts (and I am a highlighter so it took a while) and as I read the journeys those in the Old Testament I am so reminded that the Battle and the VICTORY belongs to the Lord. In fellowship the other night we were reading the story in 1 Kings 18 where Elijah confronts the prophets of Ahab. I love verse 26 .. It says and they LIMPED around the altar they had made and no one answered them. Well there will be no limping for me. Why as christians would we spend time limping around altars that we have made instead of dancing before the maker? No limping for me .. nope dancing only! (casey– with your ankle limping is ok!)
Thank you so much for praying for my situation. I tell you I am learning to see so many joys in the midst of frustrations while living here in nepal. For instance.. yesterday morning I got to talk to my parents.. that was an unexpected blessing. I love them so much and I love that they care and take such good care of me and that we get to laugh together, they make fun of me …… it was such a blessing. Then getting to meet with Jesus in my fuzzy pink robe wtih a strong cup of coffee.. then last night I watched 2 episodes of little house on the prarie… (i bought the seasons.. and i love it) there is nothing like watching little house on the prarie to make me happy. Then on my walk today i saw the most beauitufl butterflies and the dog that was chasing me didn’t bite a chunk out of my leg.. I live in nepal where everyday is an adventure and I don’t live here alone… I live with the God who spoke the universe into being with one word.. and upholds it with HIS words.. the God who is not intimidated by spiritual warfare and the dead idols all around me.. nope.. no limping for me!
As for the situation update with the wallet stolen ect. First of all I must say that our american embassy is wonderful. The lady upstairs knew who to call and ask about getting my passport. We within minutes a lady from the security office called at the embassy. She was the kindest lady ever (and is american and speaks english glory) and she just said she was calling to take the report of what happened and to make sure I was ok and see what she could do to help. She then told me i needed to get a police report to actually get a new passport, so she said she would have another staff member call me and walk me through that process. That staff called and was so kind and extrememly helpful. By noon yesterday I had 6 different calls from different people in the embassy calling to make sure that i was ok.. and to see how they could help. Not only that but the embassy warden for our district personally came to my house to check on me and take a report. I mean really.. kudos to the embassy.
So yesterday I went to get the police report and my good nepalee friend hari (we went with him to his village) took me because the police department is full of perverted men who just like to look at fresh white meat… so he went as soon as I asked him to (he’s a good brother like you todd) . It ended up being easier to file a lost report then a stolen report because of how nepal works if i want to get my passport anytime before the next year.. so we filled out the rport and tommorow I have to go pick up the report and then go to the embassy and fill out more papers and such. But praise God for helpful people.
And then guess what.. i had to call the credit card company to cancel which i dreaded because credit card people can be well not the most customer service oriented.. well i called last night and the lady could not have been nicer and more helpful She laughed pretty hard when I told her that I had not been able to call because i live in nepal and we didn’t have power and she said well i don’t hear that very often!
so thanks for your prayers. Our God is soo good. I have so many things to be thankful for. And I am standing in strong Ephesians 6 armor.
love you guys
You have just put a smile on my face and made my day. I am thrilled beyond words that things went so well with the Embassy folks and the credit card lady. God’s favor is definitely surrounding you, and He is “leading you in a straight path because of those who fight against you.”
You amaze and inspire me, Jenn Hand.
Love you bunches,
If I could dance right now I would. Praise God and to copy Sandra you amaze me too! Love you!
your faith always awes and amazes me my “big sis”….I am praying those exact verses, Eph. 6 over you and the whole team. Also, remember the verses Jim shared in your commissioning ceremony. Ps. 105 I think, I will have to go look it up where it says God will not allow anyone to touch his annointed ones. I am praying that promise over you and your team. Keep standing and serving!
You just amaze me!!! Jen you are so annointed by God! He shines through everything you write. I am so glad that you are ok and am praying for you. Love you very much and miss you!!!
Aunt Laura
Hey there! I’m so glad that you got lots of help from the embassy and the credit card company. I’m praying for you and would love to have a skype date really soon!
I’m worried… Where are you? Praying…